Networking & Content Delivery

Category: Management Tools

Enabling granular operational visibility for CloudFront with CloudWatch

Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) that delivers static and dynamic web content using a global network of edge locations. CloudFront integrates natively with Amazon CloudWatch to provide monitoring and observability capabilities. With the introduction of CloudFront real-time logs, it is now possible to create highly granular custom metrics in CloudWatch to view […]

Automate Networking foundation in multi-account environments

As AWS customers adopt multi-account strategies, they need to have cross-account networking in their AWS environment. They also need to extend their network across multiple AWS Regions when creating multi-Region applications or disaster recovery environments. AWS has many services and features that allow you do to exactly that with great flexibility. But for users that […]

Scale traffic using multiple Interface Endpoints

Update: As of January 27, 2022, AWS PrivateLink publishes data points to Amazon CloudWatch for your interface endpoints, Gateway Load Balancer endpoints, and endpoint services. CloudWatch enables you to retrieve statistics about those data points as an ordered set of time series data, known as metrics. As a PrivateLink Endpoint owner, you can use metrics […]

Using Route 53 Resolver DNS Firewall Logs with CloudWatch Contributor Insights and Anomaly Detection

Introduction The Domain Name System (DNS) is one of the most critical components for almost any network as every service relies on a functional DNS service. Amazon Route 53 Resolver (sometimes referred to as “AmazonProvidedDNS” or the “.2/+2 resolver”) provides a highly available and scalable DNS service that customers have come to rely upon for their recursive DNS […]

Moving towards DevOps CI/CD approach to configure and manage AWS networking resources

Introduction Organizations are moving from traditional monolithic data center networks to an agile application programming interface (API) driven cloud network. As a result, customers are looking for an efficient and reliable way to make changes to their cloud network infrastructure. They want to adopt a pipeline driven approach to make any network changes following DevOps […]

Integrating Network Connectivity Testing with Infrastructure Deployment

This post shows how to integrate and automate network testing as part of AWS infrastructure deployment. We will show you how to use a new tool, Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Network Tester, to perform connectivity testing between a source resource and a destination resource in Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). It supports testing resources deployed via AWS Management Console, SDK, Command Line Interface (CLI) or via a CI/CD pipeline.

Title image for Automating Connectivity assessments with VPC Reachability Analyzer

Automating connectivity assessments with VPC Reachability Analyzer

If your network architecture is complex, and you’d like to quickly identify application connectivity issues due to infrastructure changes, then the new Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Reachability Analyzer can help. Often times, it is not always clear if changes to VPC infrastructure are affecting connectivity to applications and other AWS services. By implementing automated […]

Hybrid Networking using VPC Endpoints (AWS PrivateLink) and Amazon CloudWatch for Financial Services

Amazon CloudWatch offers a centralized service to collect monitoring and operational data in the form of logs, metrics, and events. This provides a unified view of AWS resources, applications, and services that run on AWS and on-premises servers. When you have Amazon CloudWatch agents running on-premises, the default behavior is to export the collected metrics […]

Automating DNS infrastructure using Route 53 Resolver endpoints

Introduction DNS name resolution is a fundamental part of all on-premises and cloud networks. For customers with hybrid networks, additional infrastructure and configuration are needed for private DNS resolution to work seamlessly across environments. However, building this type of DNS infrastructure in a multi-account environment is complex. In this post, we show how to automate […]

Introducing Amazon CloudWatch Metrics for AWS Direct Connect virtual interfaces

AWS Direct Connect (DX) recently launched support for virtual interface (VIF) metrics in Amazon CloudWatch. With this new enhancement, CloudWatch can now track metrics at the DX VIF level and provide greater insight into utilization. You can set up alarms based on metrics and trigger actions to remediate problems. I’ve heard from many customers that […]