Networking & Content Delivery
Category: Networking & Content Delivery
Demystifying AWS Data Transfer services to build secure and reliable applications
For cloud users, evaluating data transfer services can be complex, especially when the internal engineering that manages security and delivers high availability and low latency is often abstracted. We are starting a series of posts intended to demystify AWS Data Transfer services and to clarify exactly what Amazon Web Services (AWS) users get when they […]
Extend SaaS Capabilities Across AWS Accounts Using AWS PrivateLink support for VPC Resources
In this post, we explore how you can use AWS PrivateLink support for Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) resources to facilitate private, secure, and efficient connectivity to shared resources across VPC and account boundaries, as well as from on-premises environments. We also review common use cases and implementation best practices for implementing this new AWS PrivateLink […]
Amazon VPC Lattice: modernize and simplify your enterprise network architectures
In this post, we explore how you can leverage Amazon VPC Lattice to build modern, secure and resilient enterprise networks on AWS. We dive deeper into how you can modernize network connectivity using the VPC Lattice integrations with all AWS compute services, and the support for a broad set of application and transport protocols. We […]
Simplify global hybrid connectivity with AWS Cloud WAN and AWS Direct Connect integration
In this post, we review how you can build hybrid connectivity architectures using the AWS Cloud WAN built-in support for AWS Direct Connect attachments. We share best practices and considerations for designing global hybrid networks on AWS that help you enable seamless connectivity between your on-premises environments and the AWS Cloud. Now, AWS Cloud WAN […]
Simplify Amazon VPC security groups management with VPC associations and security groups sharing
In this post we explain how you can use Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC) security group associations and security group sharing to configure consistent security rules across your workloads in multiple VPCs and accounts on AWS. We outline the steps to configure the two new security group features, their use cases, and best practices for […]
Using cross-zone load balancing with zonal shift
Today, we’re announcing Amazon Application Recovery Controller (ARC) zonal shift support for Application Load Balancers (ALB) with cross-zone load balancing enabled. This complements the support for Network Load Balancers (NLB) using cross-zone load balancing we announced previously. Now you can use zonal shift with both NLBs and ALBs, with or without cross-zone load balancing configured, […]
Introducing CloudFront Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Origins: Shield your web applications from public internet
Starting today, Amazon CloudFront introduced CloudFront Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) Origins, a new feature that allows users to use CloudFront to deliver content from applications hosted in a VPC private subnet. VPC Origins eliminates the need for applications to be exposed on the public internet by restricting access solely through users’ CloudFront distributions. This is […]
Zero-rating and IP address management made easy: CloudFront’s new anycast static IPs explained
Starting today, Amazon CloudFront supports anycast IPs, a set of dedicated IP addresses that the customers can use to access CloudFront POPs for delivery of zero-rated traffic into the network carriers. For end-customers accessing your application, you now can collaborate with network carriers to exempt data charges from your end-customers’ data limits or implement distinct […]
Enhancing VPC Security with Amazon VPC Block Public Access
In the earliest days of Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), we thought customers would only ever need a single VPC. We’ve learned a lot since then. Today, the AWS Well-Architected Framework describes a single account with a single VPC as an anti-pattern. With a growing number of accounts and network paths in the AWS […]
Migrate Amazon ECS service communication to Amazon VPC Lattice
Advanced L7 routing, authentication and authorization using IAM Policies, and deep observability are key capabilities offered by Amazon VPC Lattice. With VPC Lattice now integrated into Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), you can easily migrate service-to-service communication from using internal Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) to VPC Lattice. This allows you to benefit from VPC Lattice […]