Networking & Content Delivery

Category: Networking & Content Delivery

Deployment models for AWS Network Firewall

10-Sep-2021: With recent enhancements to VPC routing primitives and how it unlocks additional deployment models for AWS Network Firewall along with the ones listed below, read part 2 of this blog post here. Introduction AWS services and features are built with security as a top priority. With Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC), customers are able […]


Integrate your custom logic or appliance with AWS Gateway Load Balancer

We recently launched AWS Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB), a new service that helps customers deploy, scale, and manage third-party virtual network appliances such as firewalls, intrusion detection and prevention systems, analytics, visibility and others. A new addition to the Elastic Load Balancer family, AWS Gateway Load Balancer (GWLB) combines a transparent network gateway (that is, […]

Scaling network traffic inspection using AWS Gateway Load Balancer

Updated “Cross-zone load balancing and appliance failures” section on 25th March, 2021 Organizations use next-generation firewalls (NGFW) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS) as part of their defense in depth strategy. In an on-premises network, these often take the form of dedicated hardware or software or virtual “appliances.” As companies move to the cloud, they want […]

Introducing AWS Gateway Load Balancer: Supported architecture patterns

Customers often ask me how they can maintain consistent policies and practices as they move to the cloud, especially as it relates to using the network appliances. They trust third-party hardware and software appliances to protect and monitor their on-premises traffic, but traditional appliance deployment models are not always well suited to the cloud. Last […]

Hybrid Networking using VPC Endpoints (AWS PrivateLink) and Amazon CloudWatch for Financial Services

Amazon CloudWatch offers a centralized service to collect monitoring and operational data in the form of logs, metrics, and events. This provides a unified view of AWS resources, applications, and services that run on AWS and on-premises servers. When you have Amazon CloudWatch agents running on-premises, the default behavior is to export the collected metrics […]

Slide with post title: hostname and target for network load balancer

Hostname-as-Target for Network Load Balancers

Introduction: Network Load Balancers (NLB) is the flagship Layer 4 load balancer for AWS, offering elastic capacity, high performance, and integration with AWS services like AWS Auto Scaling. NLB is designed to handle millions of requests per second while maintaining ultra-low latency, improving both availability and scalability. Network Load Balancers are widely used by all […]

Securing CloudFront distributions

Securing CloudFront Distributions using OpenID Connect and AWS Secrets Manager

Amazon CloudFront is a CDN that is used to securely deliver content, applications, and APIs to globally dispersed customers with low-latency and high transfer speeds. Amazon CloudFront is ideal for serving-up websites, caching content, and delivering static files to users across the globe. This blog post will allow organizations who host private web apps on Amazon […]

How to automatically parse Route 53 Resolver query logs

September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. Introduction For the majority of applications, DNS resolution is an essential requirement, whether they’re running on premises or in the cloud. Inside each of your Amazon VPCs, name resolution is provided by the Route 53 Resolver service. Being the center […]

Whitepaper: Simplifying Global Network Architecture

Deploying new applications and workloads can require big changes to your network. Read what the Enterprise Strategy Group found during their technical validation of AWS Transit Gateway. This report, Simplifying Global Network Architecture, dives into the tradeoffs and benefits of building networks with AWS Transit Gateway. It details their findings from technical validation with three […]

Infographic: Respond quickly to new demands on your network with AWS Transit Gateway

This new infographic is a quick overview of how AWS Transit Gateway helps you reshape and scale your network. Deploying each new application and workload requires changes to your network. As your network grows, making those changes gets more complex, and that can slow you down. Learn how AWS Transit Gateway makes responding to change […]