AWS Open Source Blog

Tag: CI/CD

Spinnaker project logo

Building Spinnaker features for Amazon ECS

For the past year, AWS Container Services has been contributing to Amazon ECS support in Spinnaker, the popular cloud-based continuous delivery platform. Originally open sourced by Netflix in 2015, Spinnaker has become a compelling CI/CD solution for customers looking to standardize their deployment process across multiple platforms and integrate with existing tools like Jenkins or […]

eksctl – the EKS CLI

When we launched Amazon EKS, we had a plan for a more complete command line. We were intrigued by Weaveworks’ simultaneous launch of the open source command line tool eksctl, and excited about the user feedback we were hearing. We decided, instead of building our own, to embrace eksctl as part of the EKS planning […]

architecture for a Spinnaker pipeline with Jenkins and Amazon ECR.

Build a Deployment Pipeline with Spinnaker on Kubernetes

Spinnaker is a continuous delivery platform, originally developed by Netflix, for releasing software changes rapidly and reliably. Spinnaker makes it easier for developers to focus on writing code without having to worry about the underlying cloud infrastructure. It integrates seamlessly with Jenkins and other popular build tools. In this post we will discuss on how […]

integrating Phabricator into a CI/CD pipeline.

Integrating Phabricator with AWS CodePipeline via AWS CodeCommit

中文版 Realizing true DevOps culture means implementing a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline from development to production, often integrating popular open source tools with cloud services such as AWS CodeCommit and AWS CodePipeline. In this post, Junaid Kapadia shows how to integrate Phabricator, an open source code manager, into a cloud-based CI/CD pipeline. […]

Spinnaker project logo

Sailing with Spinnaker on AWS

We have recently begun contributing to an exciting open source project, Spinnaker from Netflix. Spinnaker is a cloud-based continuous delivery platform for releasing software changes rapidly and reliably. Spinnaker makes it easier for developers to focus on writing code without having to worry about the underlying cloud infrastructure. It integrates seamlessly with tools such as […]

Capital One Hygieia project logo

Hygieia and the Capital One DevOps Journey

中文版 by Tapabrata Pal AWS customers have created many interesting and useful open source projects which should reach a wider audience. I’m very happy to be able to promote them on this blog. Here we feature a guest post by Tapabrata (Topo) Pal of Capital One. – Adrian Capital One is a top digital bank […]