AWS Public Sector Blog

Category: AWS Direct Connect

How the City of Canton worked with Wi-Fiber to build a safer and more connected community

In 2020, the City of Canton, Ohio set out to build a better, safer, and more connected community. The city worked with government technology (GovTech) company Wi-Fiber, a network infrastructure provider using AWS Direct Connect. Wi-Fiber combined the City of Canton’s wireless hardware, existing copper, and fiber, where available, to connect hundreds of installed devices alongside roadways, intersections, and buildings. In two years, Canton successfully intertwined its legacy infrastructure with Wi-Fiber’s technology to maximize efficacy and minimize cost.

Japan’s High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK, accelerates search for new vaccines with AWS

Japan’s High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK), is a Nobel Award-winning Inter-University Research Institute, and one of the world’s leading accelerator research institutes. To further help researchers understand human biology, AWS and KEK recently announced a collaboration to develop GoToCloud, a KEK-led cloud platform that makes protein analysis faster and more cost-effective, boosting KEK’s research efforts and improving our understanding of disease. This initiative has also accelerated the digital transformation of Japan’s scientific research infrastructure, helping scientists discover new medicines and produce world-class research results using cloud technology.

AWS branded background with text overlay that says "Hybrid connectivity to AWS GovCloud (US) and commercial Regions using AWS Direct Connect"

Hybrid connectivity to AWS GovCloud (US) and commercial Regions using AWS Direct Connect

To establish network connectivity between on-premises data centers, branch locations, and cloud resources, organizations use a hybrid network. This technical walkthrough explains how to implement hybrid connectivity from your premises to AWS GovCloud (US) and commercial AWS Regions using a dedicated private network connection provided by AWS Direct Connect (DX).

AWS launching new Region in UAE in 2022

The new AWS Region in the Middle East brings new infrastructure to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and will consist of three Availability Zones, giving local customers more choice and flexibility to leverage advanced cloud technologies. Learn more about how organizations in the UAE public sector are already innovating with AWS at home and in space.

AWS networking capabilities give you choices for hybrid cloud connectivity, but which service works best for your use case?

Public sector customers have been using Amazon Web Services (AWS) within their hybrid cloud environments since AWS was born in 2006. Most customers have resources on-premises, engaging in multi-year journeys of cloud adoption. Often they are seeking to improve connectivity for migration, cloud bursting, backup and disaster recovery, or leveraging cloud-native technologies from on-premises.

Giving Schools Network Connectivity into AWS Direct Connect

NJEdge has built a state-wide fiber optic research and education network that is available to all NJEdge member schools. In collaboration with Amazon Web Services (AWS), member institutions can now leverage existing NJEdge connections, or create new ones, and use AWS Direct Connect at a significantly reduced expense to connect to private AWS resources. NJEdge, a Research and Education Network (REN), is dedicated to creating a better world by providing statewide advanced networking, access to optimal technology solutions and services, and insight and expertise in information technologies.