AWS Public Sector Blog

Tag: Amazon Lightsail

Building a team knowledge base with Amazon Lightsail

Building an organized system for common information—such as addresses, phone numbers, purchasing account numbers, a curated and annotated literature section, lab recipes and protocols, meeting schedules, and links to commonly used online tools—can prove extremely valuable for professors and their teams. Building this knowledge base on AWS with Amazon Lightsail can save hours of administration and maintenance time, while providing additional control and flexibility for remote access. In this blog post, learn how to set up a content management system (CMS) using Lightsail, including how to manage basic network security, backup, and upgrades, to build a knowledge base for your lab, agency, startup, or other team-based environment.

Getting started with Amazon Lightsail for Research: A tutorial using RStudio

Amazon Lightsail for Research is a new service that makes it simple to incorporate cloud computing resources into your work without cloud experience. With Lightsail for Research, you can shift large and/or time-consuming analysis from your laptop onto powerful cloud resources, run multiple analyses simultaneously, and continue computations even when your laptop is off or being used for other activities. In this blog post, learn how to use Lightsail for Research with a simple but common use case.

How to set up Galaxy for research on AWS using Amazon Lightsail

Galaxy is a scientific workflow, data integration, and digital preservation platform that aims to make computational biology accessible to research scientists that do not have computer programming or systems administration experience. Although it was initially developed for genomics research, it is largely domain agnostic and is now used as a general bioinformatics workflow management system, running on everything from academic mainframes to personal computers. But researchers and organizations may worry about capacity and the accessibility of compute power for those with limited or restrictive budgets. In this blog post, we explain how to implement Galaxy on the cloud at a predictable cost within your research or grant budget with Amazon Lightsail.

person working on laptop elearning with sleeping dog

Tips and tricks to gamify your class

Do you favor that points-earning credit card? Or stick with the same airline to rack up miles? These are examples of gamification in action. While the term is relatively new, gamification has been around as long as people have tried to make boring activities interesting. Humans have a natural desire to compete, be social, and gain rewards. found that 67 percent of students feel gamified courses are more motivating than traditional ones. And with educators shifting to virtual or blended classrooms worldwide, it’s worth making the effort to create a gamified classroom. Here are four tips to mastering gamification in your classroom.

Building scalable WordPress sites for public institutions on Amazon Lightsail

Countless popular websites maintained by public institutions – including and – are built on the WordPress platform. It’s essential that these sites are highly scalable. Amazon Lightsail helps ensure that they can handle high-traffic situations. These sites often require on-demand scaling during high-traffic spikes, for example, when media coverage mentions government websites or an educational institution is registering during admissions season. Given these requirements, if the website isn’t set up properly, the features that make WordPress popular for public websites can sometimes become a challenge to manage.

New Services Announced for Canadian Customers

Since the launch of the AWS Canada (Central) Region in December 2016, Canadian customers have been building on AWS to help their organizations transform. Based on customer demand, we have continued to add new features and services into the Canada Region. We have launched 231 new features and services so far this year, demonstrating our commitment for continued growth in Canada.