AWS Quantum Technologies Blog

Tag: rigetti

Amazon Braket now supports verbatim compilation and native gates with IonQ

As of 05/17/2023, the ARN of the IonQ Harmony device changed to arn:aws:braket:us-east-1::device/qpu/ionq/Harmony. Therefore, information on this page may be outdated. Learn more. Previously, when customers submitted a circuit to the IonQ device on Amazon Braket, the circuit was automatically compiled to native instructions. Today, we are extending the verbatim compilation feature to IonQ’s 11-qubit […]

Noise in Quantum Computing

Customers looking to solve their hardest computational problems often wonder about the production-readiness of quantum computing. They want to know when a full-scale, fault-tolerant quantum computer will be available, and what the obstacles are to achieving this ambitious goal. Current generation quantum computers are not fault-tolerant and have limited utility, but customers are experimenting with […]

Setting up a cross-Region private environment in Amazon Braket

As of 11/17/2022, D-Wave is no longer available on Amazon Braket and has transitioned to the AWS Marketplace. Therefore, information on this page may be outdated. Learn more. As of 05/17/2023, the ARN of the IonQ Harmony device changed to arn:aws:braket:us-east-1::device/qpu/ionq/Harmony. Therefore, information on this page may be outdated. Learn more. At AWS we say […]

Updates from re:Invent 2021

With so much happening at the annual re:Invent conference, it would be easy to miss some of the updates in AWS Quantum Technologies. In this post we summarize four recent announcements: a new feature that helps customers run hybrid quantum-classical algorithms more easily and with better performance, two new quantum processing units (QPUs) coming to […]