AWS Security Blog

Category: Advanced (300)

Automating the detection and mitigation of traffic floods using network ACLs

Automatically detect and block low-volume network floods

In this blog post, I show you how to deploy a solution that uses AWS Lambda to automatically manage the lifecycle of Amazon VPC Network Access Control List (ACL) rules to mitigate network floods detected using Amazon CloudWatch Logs Insights and Amazon Timestream. Application teams should consider the impact unexpected traffic floods can have on an application’s availability. Internet-facing applications can […]

Validate IAM policies by using IAM Policy Validator for AWS CloudFormation and GitHub Actions

Validate IAM policies by using IAM Policy Validator for AWS CloudFormation and GitHub Actions

April 15, 2024: AWS has launched two new GitHub Actions that can be used to simplify some of the steps covered in this blog post. Click here to learn more abbot the new GitHub actions for AWS CloudFormation and HashiCorp’s Terraform. In this blog post, I’ll show you how to automate the validation of AWS […]

SageMaker machine learning insights architecture for Security Lake

Generate machine learning insights for Amazon Security Lake data using Amazon SageMaker

Amazon Security Lake automatically centralizes the collection of security-related logs and events from integrated AWS and third-party services. With the increasing amount of security data available, it can be challenging knowing what data to focus on and which tools to use. You can use native AWS services such as Amazon QuickSight, Amazon OpenSearch, and Amazon […]

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How we designed Cedar to be intuitive to use, fast, and safe

This post is a deep dive into the design of Cedar, an open source language for writing and evaluating authorization policies. Using Cedar, you can control access to your application’s resources in a modular and reusable way. You write Cedar policies that express your application’s permissions, and the application uses Cedar’s authorization engine to decide which […]

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How to Connect Your On-Premises Active Directory to AWS Using AD Connector

August 17, 2023: We updated the instructions and screenshots in this post to align with changes to the AWS Management Console. April 25, 2023: We’ve updated this blog post to include more security learning resources. AD Connector is designed to give you an easy way to establish a trusted relationship between your Active Directory and […]

Solution architecture to automate the review and validation of permissions for users and groups in AWS IAM Identity Center

How to automate the review and validation of permissions for users and groups in AWS IAM Identity Center

AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) is widely used by organizations to centrally manage federated access to their Amazon Web Services (AWS) environment. As organizations grow, it’s crucial that they maintain control of access to their environment and conduct regular reviews of existing granted permissions to maintain a good security posture. With […]

Cost considerations and common options for AWS Network Firewall log management

Cost considerations and common options for AWS Network Firewall log management

When you’re designing a security strategy for your organization, firewalls provide the first line of defense against threats. Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers AWS Network Firewall, a stateful, managed network firewall that includes intrusion detection and prevention (IDP) for your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Logging plays a vital role in any firewall policy, as […]

Migrating your secrets to AWS Secrets Manager, Part 2: Implementation

Migrating your secrets to AWS Secrets Manager, Part 2: Implementation

In Part 1 of this series, we provided guidance on how to discover and classify secrets and design a migration solution for customers who plan to migrate secrets to AWS Secrets Manager. We also mentioned steps that you can take to enable preventative and detective controls for Secrets Manager. In this post, we discuss how […]

Migrating your secrets to AWS Secrets Manager, Part I: Discovery and design

Migrating your secrets to AWS Secrets Manager, Part I: Discovery and design

“An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” – Benjamin Franklin A secret can be defined as sensitive information that is not intended to be known or disclosed to unauthorized individuals, entities, or processes. Secrets like API keys, passwords, and SSH keys provide access to confidential systems and resources, but it can be […]

Example of CodeGuru Security integration with deployment pipeline

How Amazon CodeGuru Security helps you effectively balance security and velocity

Software development is a well-established process—developers write code, review it, build artifacts, and deploy the application. They then monitor the application using data to improve the code. This process is often repeated many times over. As Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers embrace modern software development practices, they sometimes face challenges with the use of third-party […]