AWS Smart Business Blog

Category: Best Practices

Employee standing with tablet device among heavy machinery

How to Ensure Your Small or Medium Business is Ready for IT Turnover

In 2021, the “Great Resignation” became a buzzword in the U.S. news media, referring to several long-term trends that were accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Many workers decided to change jobs for more pay, leave roles that required long commutes, put more emphasis on their life outside of work, or take a well-earned retirement. Additionally, […]

Account team and customer meeting in an office

What Type of Cloud IT Support Does My Small or Medium Business Need?

Cloud computing has become an essential investment for small and medium businesses (SMBs) modernizing their operations, but knowing how to support it can be its own challenge. Compared to on-premises hardware, the cloud allows businesses to be more flexible in a variety of ways: stronger security, lower costs, and better operational efficiency to name a […]

Man in front of large analytics dashboard

Four Principles of Cloud Financial Management Small and Medium Business Owners Need to Know

IT can be a daunting topic—especially if you are a small or medium business (SMB) leader and do not consider yourself a technical person. Traditionally, IT costs are centered around up-front capital investments on hardware and infrastructure, and assembling a team aligned to support and maintain that infrastructure. There are also energy and premises costs […]

E-commerce app

Four Digital Marketing Best Practices for Small and Medium Businesses Moving to the Cloud

A strong digital marketing strategy is critical for the success of your small business. More than 4.6 billion people use the internet, and 46.3% of them use it to research products before they purchase. With all of the tools and content out there, it can feel overwhelming to get your business on the right track. […]

Figure 1: Monolithic Architecture Diagram

How Small and Medium Businesses Can Reduce Database Storage Costs

There is an exponential increase in the amount of data that is being generated and with current rate of data creation, it will double the world’s data every two years according to Earthweb. Why is there so much data? Internet-connected devices, mobile smartphones, social media interactions, and web content are some of the sources giving […]

Man in home office

How Small and Medium Businesses Can Enable Their Teams to Work Remotely from Virtually Anywhere

The flexibility of remote work has drastically changed workplace dynamics. A survey conducted by Upwork of 1,500 hiring managers found that due to COVID-19, 61.9% of companies planned more remote work. The report also predicts 36.2 million workers (about 22% of Americans) will be working remotely by the year 2025, an 87% increase from before […]

Amazon QuickSign dashboard depicting visual diagrams of sales data in pie chart, line graph, and other formats

Reinventing Small and Medium Businesses with Better Data Insights

If you had the ability to synthesize and analyze all of your business data, what would it allow you to achieve? Between business apps, social media, and internet-connected devices, you likely have enough data inputs to fuel your small or medium business’s (SMBs) decisions. One common misconception is that wide-ranging data analysis is only possible […]

Models of data governance diagram explained in text below

How to Create a Data Governance Strategy for Your Small or Medium Business

When you hear the term “data governance,” you might associate it with highly-regulated industries such as healthcare and financial services. But smart businesses across all industries recognize using data effectively can provide a competitive advantage. A 2021 report on confident decision making with data indicated that “66% of data and analytics professionals experienced improved data quality […]

Customer using an app to interact with an employee

Five Ways Small and Medium Businesses Can Better Understand Their Customers

As business interactions become increasingly digital, Small and Medium Business (SMB) staff can sometimes be overwhelmed by the volume of information around consumers’ product engagements, like website inquiries, product purchases, and customer support tickets. Customer intelligence functionality can make it easier for SMB teams to consolidate and use this data so they can better execute […]