AWS Startups Blog

Building a Hotdog Detecting App on AWS—Yes, Really

In Season 4 of the hit HBO show, “Silicon Valley,” the character Jian Yang attempts to build an app that uses image recognition artificial intelligence (AI) to identify and label the foods in captured pictures. But there is a fairly major glitch: his app can only differentiate between hot dogs and… not hot dogs. Once I stopped laughing, the episode prompted a question that centers on my role as a Solutions Architect at AWS: How easily could I build my own hotdog identifying app? Turns out, pretty easily.

Directly above flat lay flat lay shot of various medical supplies. Full frame shot of medicines placed with syringes and diagnostic tools. All are on gray background.

How Medical Supply Startup Medinas Uses Serverless to Tackle a $765 Billion Problem

Medinas was started to make sure every unit of medical supplies in the U.S. gets a second chance at being used before it expires. Our solution involves allowing medical facilities to sell their unused surpluses to other medical practices who can then put them to use. By algorithmically matching surpluses to existing demand on a custom marketplace, we create cost savings for all parties and simultaneously reduce the volume of supplies going to waste. But starting off in a challenging space isn’t easy.

Group of customers at AWS Developer Workshop at Web Summit 2017.

Web Summit 2017: AWS evangelists on natural language conversations and the IoT boom

In their 2016 Forecast: Internet of Things (IoT) report, Gartner projected that 8.4 billion connected IoT devices will be in use by the end of 2017. That’s up 31% from 2016 with the greatest concentration of use in China, North America, and Western Europe. AWS Developer Workshop at Web Summit 2017. That’s why it’s no […]

Enfuce Financial

Monika Liikamaa, CEO of Enfuce Financial Services: “Regulators are people too.”

Regulators are people too. That’s what Monika Liikamaa, CEO of Enfuce Financial Services, wants to remind other founders who complain about meeting the strict standards of financial services regulators. “You have to be able to understand their concerns,” she says. “People are people, and they just want to feel secure that if they give a person a ‘go,’ the person they say okay to knows what they’re doing.” With Enfuce, the first infrastructure payments platform to run banks and financial institutions in a public cloud, Liikamaa’s solution to navigating the compliance process is doing her homework. For more from Liikamaa, including how she decides what features Enfuce should build and how she sees the banking industry evolving, listen here.

Tim Draper on why he thinks entrepreneurs should travel the world

Tim Draper is perhaps one of the world’s foremost proponents of Bitcoin. “It’s an exciting time for us bitcoin-ers,” the Draper Fisher Jurvetson and Draper Associates founding partner recently told AWS Startups. “In five years, you’re going to try to pay in fiat currency at Starbucks and they’re going to laugh at you.” In addition […]

Muzzley App

Web Summit 2017: Data analytics startup Muzzley embodies Lisbon spirit

Lisbon is stepping up its game when it comes to attracting startups. Following the country’s $83 billion bailout by the European Union in 2011, the city—now in its second year of hosting the popular European tech conference Web Summit—is welcoming back the youth that fled the city during the downturn and encouraging new entrepreneurship with […]