AWS Storage Blog

Category: Events

Your backup and archive guide to re:Invent

UPDATE: The AWS re:Invent links in this post are outdated. Please visit the AWS Events channel on YouTube for a complete on-demand playlist of AWS Storage sessions at AWS re:Invent 2019. In one of our recent blog posts, we shared an all-in storage guide for re:Invent so you can maximize your time at the conference. […]

A Guide to Amazon EBS at AWS re:Invent 2019

UPDATE: The AWS re:Invent links in this post are outdated. Please visit the AWS Events channel on YouTube for a complete on-demand playlist of AWS Storage sessions at AWS re:Invent 2019. Customers use block storage to support a wide range of both transaction-intensive and throughput-intensive workloads on AWS. With Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS), you […]

Amazon EFS Featured Image

Online Tech Talk October 23rd: Reduce File Storage TCO with Amazon EFS and Amazon FSx for Windows File Server

Don’t miss our AWS online Storage Tech Talk on October 23rd where we cover: ‘Reduce File Storage TCO with Amazon EFS and Amazon FSx for Windows File Server‘ Managing legacy NAS storage arrays on-premises brings complexity and high CapEx. Amazon EFS is a cloud-native, scalable, elastic NFS file system for Linux workloads for use with […]

Register for the free AWS Tech Talk – Amazon S3 Storage Classes and Management Tools

Sign-up to attend the AWS Tech Talk on September 24 at 9:00 AM – 10:00AM PT focused on Amazon S3 Storage Classes and Management Tools. As your data lake grows, it becomes increasingly important to manage objects at scale and optimize storage costs and resources. In this tech talk, AWS experts provide an overview of […]

Online Tech Talk August 21st: ‘Migrating Data to AWS: Understanding Your Options’

Don’t miss our AWS online Storage Tech Talk on August 21st where we cover: ‘Migrating Data to AWS: Understanding Your Options‘ AWS offers a variety of data migration and transfer services to help you move everything from gigabytes to petabytes of data by using network links, express mail, or even a tractor trailer. In this […]

S3 Security

Register and attend the webinar: Best practices for Amazon S3 Security with S3 Access Management tools and S3 Block Public Access

Register now to join us for an online AWS Tech Talk to cover S3 security best practices on August 26 from 1:oopm to 2:00pm PT. This is a level 300 tech talk where we will go deep on the technical aspects of Amazon S3 security. We will focus on S3 Block Public Access to keep your […]

Don’t Miss our May Storage Tech Talks! Featuring Amazon S3 and Hybrid Cloud Storage and Edge Computing

This month we have two storage tech talks for you to attend and dive deep on the newly launched Amazon S3 Batch Operations (read the Jeff Barr blog post) and AWS Hybrid Cloud Storage and Edge Computing (read the storage blog post). Managing tens to billions of objects at scale with S3 Batch Operations – […]

Free AWS Webinar | Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive: The Cheapest Storage in the Cloud

We recently announced the general availability of Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive, a new Amazon S3 storage class providing secure and durable object storage for long-term retention of data that is accessed rarely in a year. From just $0.00099 per GB-month (less than one-tenth of one cent, or about $1 per TB-month), S3 Glacier Deep […]