AWS Storage Blog

Tag: Amazon S3 Lifecycle

Amazon S3 LIfecycle

Optimize storage costs with new Amazon S3 Lifecycle filters and actions

Managing costs is important to the bottom line of many businesses and their ability to innovate on behalf of customers. You may often find that there is some data that you use frequently, and other data that you access less frequently, if ever. Deciding how to manage costs related to storing such unevenly accessed data […]

Amazon S3 Lifecycle

Reduce storage costs with fewer noncurrent versions using Amazon S3 Lifecycle

Keeping multiple copies and versions of data is a tried-and-true security and data protection protocol. In the event that one version is harmed or corrupted, another is ready as a backup. While increased security with multiple versions and copies is a plus, the added storage costs of (purposefully) redundant data must be carefully considered. It […]

AWS DataSync Featured Image 2020

How to move and store your genomics sequencing data with AWS DataSync

Genomics data is expanding at a rate exceeding Moore’s law according to the National Human Genome Research Institute. As more sequencing data is produced and researchers move from genotyping to whole genome sequencing, the amount of data produced is outpacing on-premises capacity. Organizations need cloud solutions that help manage data movement, storage, and analysis. The […]

S3 cost optimization

Optimize storage costs by analyzing API operations on Amazon S3

The demand for data storage has increased with the advent of a fast-paced data environment – creating, sharing, and replicating data at a large scale. Most organizations are looking for the optimal way to store their data cost-effectively, giving them everything they need from their data but without breaking the bank. Cloud storage provides flexible […]

Amazon S3 Glacier Storage Classes

Compressing and archiving logs to the Amazon S3 Glacier storage classes

In distributed architectures, there is often a need to preserve application logs, and for AWS customers preservation is often done via an Amazon S3 bucket. The logs may contain information on runtime transactions, error/failure states, or application metrics and statistics. These logs are later used in business intelligence to provide useful insights and generate dashboards, […]

Amazon S3 Glacier Storage Classes

Modernizing NASCAR’s multi-PB media archive at speed with AWS Storage

The National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing (NASCAR) is the sanctioning body for the No. 1 form of motor sports in the United States, and owns 15 of the nation’s major motorsports entertainment facilities. About 15 years ago NASCAR began to collect all the video, audio, and image assets from over the last 70+ […]

Amazon S3

Monitor Amazon S3 activity using S3 server access logs and Pandas in Python

Monitoring and controlling access to data is often essential for security, cost optimization, and compliance. For these reasons, customers want to know what data of theirs is being accessed, when it is being accessed, and who is accessing it. With more data to monitor, large amounts of data can make it more challenging to granularly […]

Amazon S3 Lifecycle

Automate S3 Lifecycle rules at scale to transition data to S3 Intelligent-Tiering

The vast majority of data customers store on Amazon S3 has unknown or changing access patterns, such as data lakes, analytics, and new applications. With these use cases, a dataset can become infrequently and even rarely accessed at specific points in time. The problem is that customers don’t know how data access patterns will change […]

S3 cost optimization

Amazon S3 cost optimization for predictable and dynamic access patterns

Many customers of all sizes and industries tell us they are growing at an unprecedented scale – both their business and their data. Amazon S3 enables any developer to leverage Amazon’s own benefits at a massive scale with no up-front investment or performance compromises. Customers love the elasticity and agility they get with S3 because […]

Amazon S3

Simplify your data lifecycle by using object tags with Amazon S3 Lifecycle

Managing your storage cost effectively at scale can become complex as you have multiple applications or users using the data with different access patterns and frequency. S3 Lifecycle can help you optimize your storage cost by creating lifecycle configurations to manage your storage spend over time by moving your data to more cost-effective storage classes […]