AWS Storage Blog

Tag: AWS Partner Network (APN)

Amazon S3

AWS Partners use AWS PrivateLink to connect privately to Amazon S3

Many customers use applications from the AWS Partner ecosystem for a range of use cases, including data lakes, data analytics, data warehousing, backup and restore, archive, and more. Certain security-conscious applications running in on-premises data centers need private access to Amazon S3 without going over the internet or using public IPs. Traditionally, to achieve this […]

Storage options and designs for VMware Cloud on AWS

VMware Cloud on AWS is a jointly engineered solution by VMware and AWS that brings VMware’s Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC) technologies to the global AWS infrastructure. If you have workloads with varying storage requirements, it’s important to understand the storage options available and how they could work best for different scenarios. The service offers VMware […]

Storing data with partner backup solutions and Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive

AWS recently launched Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive, a new storage class that provides the most economical storage currently available in the cloud. This storage class offers you another option at a price point even lower than storing data on tapes in an offsite facility. This post describes the benefits of using S3 Glacier Deep […]

Backing up VMware Cloud on AWS with Druva Phoenix

This post examines how the Druva Cloud Phoenix backup and recovery service helps customers avoid replicating the complex and management-heavy backup infrastructures they may have used on premises for their VMware Cloud on AWS environments. Druva Phoenix simplifies the process of deploying a backup solution for VMware Cloud on AWS. Druva is an AWS Advanced […]

Migrating hundreds of TB of data to Amazon S3 with AWS DataSync

This blog is co-authored by Satish Kumar of Autodesk and Sona Rajamani of AWS. Enterprises are often faced with challenges in migrating vast amounts of data efficiently and effectively from their on-premises data storage environments to AWS. To aid and ease this migration, AWS offers offline data transfer services such as AWS Snowball, AWS Snowball […]