AWS Training and Certification Blog

Category: Best Practices

Overcoming 5 common roadblocks in the ML learning journey

According to forecast predictions from Forbes, the global machine learning (ML) market in 2017 was valued at $1.58B and is expected to reach $20.83B in 2024, growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 44.06% between 2017 and 2024. The same report indicates there are 44,864 jobs in the US today (98,371 worldwide) that list ML […]

ICYMI: March 2021 new courses, stories, and resources from AWS Training and Certification

Below is a summary of AWS Training and Certification news and updates for March 2021. Explore our training content, stories, and resources. Skills Development Changing landscape of skills development during the pandemic How has the pandemic changed the landscape of organizational learning and development? Why are inclusion and diversity so important in technology training? How […]

10 study tips for the AWS Certified Database – Specialty Certification

April 30, 2024 Update: The AWS Certified Database – Specialty certification is retired. Learn more in this blog. I’ve worked in the IT industry for a little over 20 years. I began my career as a junior database administrator learning relational database administration skills from a group of seasoned professionals. At that time, relational database […]

ICYMI: February 2021 new courses, stories, and resources from AWS Training and Certification

Below is a summary of AWS Training and Certification news and updates for February 2021. Dive in and explore more training content, stories, and resources. Skills Development National Australia Bank trains thousands in AWS Cloud Back in 2018, National Australia Bank (NAB) was one of the first organizations globally to embark on a comprehensive skills […]

Build your cloud-native DevOps expertise with free courses

Are you an experienced on-premises DevOps engineer and want to expand your expertise to DevOps in the cloud? Or maybe you’re an aspiring cloud-native DevOps engineer? We’ve got you covered! Amazon Web Services (AWS) has the services and third-party integrations you need to securely and reliably develop, deliver, and maintain applications at high velocity. There […]

AWS Partners: build your AWS knowledge with free training for sales professionals

We’re introducing a new digital training series called Solutions Training for Partners: Sales Best Practices to introduce sales professionals at AWS Partner organizations to cloud concepts and help support their business development. These 30-minute, fundamental courses also cover the AWS solutions that customers leverage most to innovate and transform their business, such as AWS analytics, […]

AWS Skills Guild empowers National Australia Bank staff with cloud innovation

The AWS Skills Guild is a comprehensive enablement program that helps large enterprises with their transformational objectives—both technical and cultural—by building cloud fluency across the business, including at the executive level, driving collaboration and partnership with the technologists and accelerating AWS adoption. Back in 2018, National Australia Bank (NAB) was one of the first organizations […]

Top Posts of 2020 on the AWS Training and Certification Blog

We kicked off the AWS Training and Certification Blog in March of 2020 with the purpose of sharing news and updates about AWS Training, AWS Certification, and our cloud skills education programs—for learners of all skill levels. Our articles seek to keep you informed, whether you’re an individual who wants to grow your cloud knowledge […]

AWS Partners: Learn how to establish continuous governance and management at scale

To stay competitive, organizations must innovate faster and operate more efficiently. IT departments are under pressure to simplify their end-to-end life-cycle management, support business agility, and empower builders. However, they often must choose between governance control and business agility. Cloud IT teams and builders typically have different objectives. Cloud IT teams want governance and control, […]