AWS Training and Certification Blog

Tag: AWS Media Services

ICYMI: February 2021 new courses, stories, and resources from AWS Training and Certification

Below is a summary of AWS Training and Certification news and updates for February 2021. Dive in and explore more training content, stories, and resources. Skills Development National Australia Bank trains thousands in AWS Cloud Back in 2018, National Australia Bank (NAB) was one of the first organizations globally to embark on a comprehensive skills […]

Three free resources to build skills in media services workflows

More organizations than ever before are looking to connect with their customers and communities via livestreaming or on-demand video and are eager to learn how to build cloud or hybrid media workflows. If you’re a company whose primary business is video streaming or if you’re exploring how video streaming can create new ways for you […]

Advance your AWS Media Services skills with two new digital courses

Are you interested in learning about the daily operations of media services? Ever considered creating high-quality video for broadcast or video-on-demand? We’ve released two new courses that can help you: AWS Elemental MediaLive Primer and AWS Elemental MediaConvert Primer. Each 60-minute, intermediate level course includes short, 10-30 minute modules, making it easier for you to […]