AWS for M&E Blog

Running MediaInfo as an AWS Lambda Function

Media processing applications often need information about what’s in audio and video files before they can do anything with those files. MediaInfo, a unified display of the most relevant video and audio file data, is a popular tool for doing just that. Video providers use it to get technical metadata about video codecs, frame rates, audio channels, duration, and more.

This blog post describes how to package MediaInfo for AWS Lambda so you can build serverless applications to do things such as playing, editing, or transcoding audio and video.

What is MediaInfo?

MediaInfo is a very popular tool for people who do video editing, streaming, or transcoding. It tells you all about what’s in an audio or video file, including how they’re encoded, which languages are in the audio channels, how large the video resolution is, etc. The following screenshot details some of the data it provides.

The MediaInfo library can be published to AWS Lambda in two ways:

  1. With application code as a monolithic all-in-one Lambda function.
  2. Separate from application code as a modular Lambda layer.

I like the Lambda layer approach because it reduces the size of the Lambda function and enables more application code to be displayed in the Lambda code viewer in the AWS console. Both the monolithic and layered deploy options are described here on GitHub, but in this blog post, I’m going to only describe the procedure for deploying MediaInfo as a Lambda layer.


The following instructions explain how to compile the MediaInfo binary from source and package it into a Lambda layer, then use that layer in a Lambda function that reads metadata tags for a video file saved in AWS S3.

We’ll use Docker to compile a binary MediaInfo library for Amazon Linux, then we’ll deploy that library to a Lambda layer so Lambda functions can use the MediaInfo API simply by loading that precompiled library. The following diagram depicts the organization of Lambda components.

A illustrated diagram depicting how AWS Lambda components connect to Docker.

Preliminary Setup

  1. Install Docker on your workstation.
  2. Setup credentials for AWS CLI (refer to the user guide).
  3. Create IAM Role with Lambda and Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) access using the following code.
# Create a role with S3 and Lambda exec access
aws iam create-role --role-name $ROLE_NAME --assume-role-policy-document '{"Version":"2012-10-17","Statement":{"Effect":"Allow","Principal":{"Service":""},"Action":"sts:AssumeRole"}}'
aws iam attach-role-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess --role-name $ROLE_NAME
aws iam attach-role-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole --role-name $ROLE_NAME

Step 1: Build MediaInfo for AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda functions run in an Amazon Linux environment, so libraries need to be built for Amazon Linux. You can compile a pymediainfo library for Amazon Linux using the provided Docker like this:

git clone
cd mediainfo_aws_lambda
docker build --tag=pymediainfo-layer-factory:latest .
docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/data pymediainfo-layer-factory cp /packages/ /data

The Dockerfile for building that docker container is available on GitHub.

Step 2: Publish MediaInfo as an AWS Lambda Layer

Publish the MediaInfo Python library as a Lambda layer. Note, redistributions of MediaInfo in binary form are required to include the sentence shown in the license-info parameter.

ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity | jq -r ".Account")
aws s3 mb s3://$LAMBDA_LAYERS_BUCKET
aws s3 cp s3://$LAMBDA_LAYERS_BUCKET
aws lambda publish-layer-version --layer-name $LAYER_NAME --description "pymediainfo" --content S3Bucket=$LAMBDA_LAYERS_BUCKET, --compatible-runtimes python3.7 --license-info "This product uses MediaInfo ( library, Copyright (c) 2002-2020 SARL."

Your published layer will look like this in the AWS Console:

Screenshot of the AWS Console interface with version details and compatible runtimes.

Step 3: Deploy an AWS Lambda function that uses MediaInfo

You can find a Lambda function that prints all the information MediaInfo provides about a video file here on GitHub. To deploy it, first create a deployable zip file containing just the file, like this:


Then, deploy that file as a Lambda function.

aws s3 mb s3://$BUCKET_NAME
# Upload a test video
aws s3 cp oceans.mp4 s3://$BUCKET_NAME/videos/
# Create the Lambda function:
ACCOUNT_ID=$(aws sts get-caller-identity | jq -r ".Account")
aws s3 cp s3://$BUCKET_NAME
aws lambda create-function --function-name $FUNCTION_NAME --timeout 20 --role arn:aws:iam::${ACCOUNT_ID}:role/$ROLE_NAME --handler app.lambda_handler --region us-west-2 --runtime python3.7 --environment "Variables={BUCKET_NAME=$BUCKET_NAME,S3_KEY=$S3_KEY}" --code S3Bucket="$BUCKET_NAME",S3Key=""

Step 4: Attach the MediaInfo Lambda layer to the AWS Lambda function

Attach the pymediainfo Lambda layer to the Lambda function.

LAYER=$(aws lambda list-layer-versions --layer-name $LAYER_NAME | jq -r '.LayerVersions[0].LayerVersionArn')
aws lambda update-function-configuration --function-name $FUNCTION_NAME --layers $LAYER

Now our Lambda function can use MediaInfo.

Step 5: Test

Our Lambda function requires a video as input. Copy a video to Amazon S3.

aws s3 cp ./oceans.mp4 s3://$BUCKET_NAME/videos/oceans.mp4

Then invoke the Lambda function:

aws lambda invoke --function-name $FUNCTION_NAME --log-type Tail outputfile.txt
cat outputfile.txt

You should see output like this (although with a much longer LogResult):

    "LogResult": "U1RBUlQgU..."
    "ExecutedVersion": "$LATEST",
    "StatusCode": 200

Sample output

The outputfile.txt will contain metadata values for the oceans.mp4 video file like the following sample. (Note: I added line breaks in the JSON below for readability.)

  "tracks": [
      "track_type": "General",
      "count": "331",
      "count_of_stream_of_this_kind": "1",
      "kind_of_stream": "General",
      "other_kind_of_stream": [
      "stream_identifier": "0",
      "count_of_video_streams": "1",
      "count_of_audio_streams": "1",
      "video_format_list": "AVC",
      "video_format_withhint_list": "AVC",
      "codecs_video": "AVC",
      "audio_format_list": "AAC LC",
      "audio_format_withhint_list": "AAC LC",
      "audio_codecs": "AAC LC",
      "complete_name": "/root/oceans.mp4",
      "folder_name": "/root",
      "file_name_extension": "oceans.mp4",
      "file_name": "oceans",
      "file_extension": "mp4",
      "format": "MPEG-4",
      "other_format": [
      "format_extensions_usually_used": "braw mov mp4 m4v m4a m4b m4p m4r 3ga 3gpa 3gpp 3gp 3gpp2 3g2 k3g jpm jpx mqv ismv isma ismt f4a f4b f4v",
      "commercial_name": "MPEG-4",
      "format_profile": "Base Media",
      "internet_media_type": "video/mp4",
      "codec_id": "isom",
      "other_codec_id": [
        "isom (isom/avc1)"
      "codec_id_url": "",
      "codecid_compatible": "isom/avc1",
      "file_size": 23014356,
      "other_file_size": [
        "21.9 MiB",
        "22 MiB",
        "22 MiB",
        "21.9 MiB",
        "21.95 MiB"
      "duration": 46613,
      "other_duration": [
        "46 s 613 ms",
        "46 s 613 ms",
        "46 s 613 ms",
        "00:00:46.613 (00:00:46;12)"
      "overall_bit_rate_mode": "VBR",
      "other_overall_bit_rate_mode": [
      "overall_bit_rate": 3949861,
      "other_overall_bit_rate": [
        "3 950 kb/s"
      "frame_rate": "23.976",
      "other_frame_rate": [
        "23.976 FPS"
      "frame_count": "1116",
      "stream_size": 16342,
      "other_stream_size": [
        "16.0 KiB (0%)",
        "16 KiB",
        "16 KiB",
        "16.0 KiB",
        "15.96 KiB",
        "16.0 KiB (0%)"
      "proportion_of_this_stream": "0.00071",
      "headersize": "16334",
      "datasize": "22998022",
      "footersize": "0",
      "isstreamable": "Yes",
      "encoded_date": "UTC 2013-05-03 22:51:07",
      "tagged_date": "UTC 2013-05-03 22:51:07",
      "file_last_modification_date": "UTC 2013-05-08 00:34:04",
      "file_last_modification_date__local": "2013-05-08 00:34:04"
      "track_type": "Video",
      "count": "378",
      "count_of_stream_of_this_kind": "1",
      "kind_of_stream": "Video",
      "other_kind_of_stream": [
      "stream_identifier": "0",
      "streamorder": "0",
      "track_id": 1,
      "other_track_id": [
      "format": "AVC",
      "other_format": [
      "format_info": "Advanced Video Codec",
      "format_url": "",
      "commercial_name": "AVC",
      "format_profile": "Baseline@L3",
      "format_settings": "3 Ref Frames",
      "format_settings__cabac": "No",
      "other_format_settings__cabac": [
      "format_settings__reference_frames": 3,
      "other_format_settings__reference_frames": [
        "3 frames"
      "internet_media_type": "video/H264",
      "codec_id": "avc1",
      "codec_id_info": "Advanced Video Coding",
      "duration": 46545,
      "other_duration": [
        "46 s 545 ms",
        "46 s 545 ms",
        "46 s 545 ms",
        "00:00:46.545 (00:00:46;12)"
      "bit_rate": 3859631,
      "other_bit_rate": [
        "3 860 kb/s"
      "maximum_bit_rate": 9263280,
      "other_maximum_bit_rate": [
        "9 263 kb/s"
      "width": 960,
      "other_width": [
        "960 pixels"
      "height": 400,
      "other_height": [
        "400 pixels"
      "sampled_width": "960",
      "sampled_height": "400",
      "pixel_aspect_ratio": "1.000",
      "display_aspect_ratio": "2.400",
      "other_display_aspect_ratio": [
      "rotation": "0.000",
      "frame_rate_mode": "CFR",
      "other_frame_rate_mode": [
      "frame_rate": "23.976",
      "other_frame_rate": [
        "23.976 (24000/1001) FPS"
      "framerate_num": "24000",
      "framerate_den": "1001",
      "frame_count": "1116",
      "color_space": "YUV",
      "chroma_subsampling": "4:2:0",
      "other_chroma_subsampling": [
      "bit_depth": 8,
      "other_bit_depth": [
        "8 bits"
      "scan_type": "Progressive",
      "other_scan_type": [
      "bits__pixel_frame": "0.419",
      "stream_size": 22456564,
      "other_stream_size": [
        "21.4 MiB (98%)",
        "21 MiB",
        "21 MiB",
        "21.4 MiB",
        "21.42 MiB",
        "21.4 MiB (98%)"
      "proportion_of_this_stream": "0.97576",
      "writing_library": "Zencoder Video Encoding System",
      "other_writing_library": [
        "Zencoder Video Encoding System"
      "encoded_library_name": "Zencoder Video Encoding System",
      "encoded_date": "UTC 2013-05-03 22:50:47",
      "tagged_date": "UTC 2013-05-03 22:51:08",
      "codec_configuration_box": "avcC"
      "track_type": "Audio",
      "count": "280",
      "count_of_stream_of_this_kind": "1",
      "kind_of_stream": "Audio",
      "other_kind_of_stream": [
      "stream_identifier": "0",
      "streamorder": "1",
      "track_id": 2,
      "other_track_id": [
      "format": "AAC",
      "other_format": [
        "AAC LC"
      "format_info": "Advanced Audio Codec Low Complexity",
      "commercial_name": "AAC",
      "format_settings__sbr": "No (Explicit)",
      "other_format_settings__sbr": [
        "No (Explicit)"
      "format_additionalfeatures": "LC",
      "codec_id": "mp4a-40-2",
      "duration": 46613,
      "other_duration": [
        "46 s 613 ms",
        "46 s 613 ms",
        "46 s 613 ms",
        "00:00:46.613 (00:00:46:23)"
      "bit_rate_mode": "VBR",
      "other_bit_rate_mode": [
      "bit_rate": 92920,
      "other_bit_rate": [
        "92.9 kb/s"
      "maximum_bit_rate": 104944,
      "other_maximum_bit_rate": [
        "105 kb/s"
      "channel_s": 2,
      "other_channel_s": [
        "2 channels"
      "channel_positions": "Front: L R",
      "other_channel_positions": [
      "channel_layout": "L R",
      "samples_per_frame": "1024",
      "sampling_rate": 48000,
      "other_sampling_rate": [
        "48.0 kHz"
      "samples_count": "2237424",
      "frame_rate": "46.875",
      "other_frame_rate": [
        "46.875 FPS (1024 SPF)"
      "frame_count": "2185",
      "compression_mode": "Lossy",
      "other_compression_mode": [
      "stream_size": 541450,
      "other_stream_size": [
        "529 KiB (2%)",
        "529 KiB",
        "529 KiB",
        "529 KiB",
        "528.8 KiB",
        "529 KiB (2%)"
      "proportion_of_this_stream": "0.02353",
      "encoded_date": "UTC 2013-05-03 22:51:07",
      "tagged_date": "UTC 2013-05-03 22:51:08"

Clean-up resources

To avoid incurring ongoing costs, use the following code to delete everything you have created.

aws s3 rm s3://$BUCKET_NAME/videos/oceans.mp4
aws s3 rb s3://$BUCKET_NAME/
aws s3 rm s3://$LAMBDA_LAYERS_BUCKET/
aws s3 rb s3://$LAMBDA_LAYERS_BUCKET
rm oceans.mp4
rm -rf ./ ./python/
aws lambda delete-function --function-name $FUNCTION_NAME
LAYER_VERSION=$(aws lambda list-layer-versions --layer-name pymediainfo | jq -r '.LayerVersions[0].Version')
aws lambda delete-layer-version --layer-name pymediainfo --version-number $LAYER_VERSION
aws iam detach-role-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole --role-name $ROLE_NAME
aws iam detach-role-policy --policy-arn arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/AmazonS3FullAccess --role-name $ROLE_NAME
aws iam delete-role --role-name $ROLE_NAME
Ian Downard

Ian Downard

Ian Downard is a software development engineer for Media & Entertainment Solutions at AWS. He focuses on creating developer-friendly ways to use AWS machine learning services for processing multimedia. He enjoys engaging with people at conferences and tech meetups in Portland, Oregon.

Alex Burkleaux

Alex Burkleaux

Alex Burkleaux is a Sr. AI/ML Specialist Solutions Architect at AWS. She helps customers use AI Services to build media solutions. Her industry experience includes over-the-top video, database management systems, and reliability engineering.