AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Amazon Personalize

Building a data foundation for AI using Snowflake and AWS

Snowflake By Daniel Wirjo, Solutions Architect – AWS By Benny Chun, Solutions Architect – AWS By Bosco Albuquerque, Sr. Partner Solutions Architect – AWS By Hans Siebrand, Cloud Data Architect – Snowflake By Matt Marzillo, Sr. Partner Engineer – Snowflake With recent advancements, building a data platform to provide a data foundation for generative AI […]


PBS Provides Tailored Experiences for Viewers with Amazon Personalize

Like many of today’s leading media and streaming platforms, PBS wanted to take its overall user experience to the next level. That’s why PBS approached AWS Premier Tier Consulting Partner ClearScale, a leader in machine learning. ClearScale came up with a detailed roadmap for tackling PBS’s recommendation system project that included data operations, MLOps, and demonstrational user interface. Together, PBS and ClearScale decided to move forward with an AWS-powered solution on top of Amazon Personalize.

Personalize Your Customers’ Experience with Easy-Access AWS AI Services

AWS artificial intelligence services can serve as a kind of ready-made building block that enable companies of all sizes and sectors to gain experience and create their own AI services, without having to build the fundamental functions from the bottom up. Via the cloud, companies can access AWS AI services and create their own chatbots, image analysis, or personalization tools, for example. To implement and customize these services, companies can draw on the expertise of Trivadis – Part of Accenture.


Measuring the Effectiveness of Personalization with Amplitude and Amazon Personalize

Companies attempting to deploy personalized customer experiences face many challenges. To do personalization well, you must understand the behavior of specific user segments and their affinities for specific products. However, you can’t uncover affinities and propensities without product analytics. Learn how to combine Amazon Personalize’s machine learning algorithms with Amplitude’s product intelligence platform to track user behavior in real-time.