AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Database

Heimdall Data_AWS Solutions

Improving Application Performance with No Code Changes Using Heimdall’s Database Proxy for Amazon Redshift

Rewriting an application code for performance optimization generally requires a significant amount of effort. Also, IT and development groups using third-party applications like Tableau may not have access to the application code. Heimdall’s database proxy solution offers a flexible and cost-effective alternative to rewriting your application for performance and scale. Heimdall transparently provides SQL control and visibility to the application owner without (re)writing a single line of code.

AWS Migration

Moving Legacy Oracle Workloads to the AWS Cloud Securely – Yes, You Can! 

AWS Premier Partner Apps Associates, an industry leader for migrating and managing Oracle workloads to the cloud, recently conducted an independent survey of more than 300 Oracle application customers to uncover what’s holding IT decision makers (ITDMs) back from moving their Oracle apps to the cloud. The study uncovered several myths that many ITDMs still believe to be true, although many of these myths have since been debunked—not by declaration but by repeatable, proven success.

Heimdall Data_AWS Solutions

How Heimdall’s Database Proxy Improves Website Response Times with No Code Changes

Questis, a configurable technology platform for financial intermediaries, realized their backend infrastructure required additional development to improve performance, provide high-availability, and rapidly scale to meet the needs of Questis customers accessing the platform. Learn why they chose to team up with Heimdall Data, an AWS Competency Partner that offers a transparent database proxy and gives developers SQL visibility and control to improve backend performance and scalability.

Metaphacts_AWS Solutions

Exploring Knowledge Graphs on Amazon Neptune Using Metaphactory

Metaphactory is a graph data management platform that helps you build knowledge graphs and smart applications. It makes authoring, curating, editing, linking, searching, and visualizing graph data easy, fast, and affordable. Amazon Neptune supports open-source and open-standard API operations and allows you to use existing information resources to build your knowledge graphs and host them on a fully managed service.

SaaS Factory_feature

SaaS Storage Partitioning with Amazon Aurora Serverless

With the introduction of Amazon Aurora Serverless (currently in preview), SaaS providers are now equipped with a model to bring the scale and cost efficiency of serverless computing directly to storage partitioning models of SaaS solutions. We take a closer look at how Aurora Serverless works and how it influences your approach to storage partitioning in SaaS environments. The goal here is to highlight the implications of the serverless storage model, identifying key areas that will be of particular interest to SaaS developers.


Re-Hosting Mainframe Applications to AWS with NTT DATA Services

NTT DATA Services provides a mainframe re-host solution that minimizes application code change while benefiting from the agility AWS offers. NTT DATA’s re-hosting reference architecture, migration best practices, and extensive technology feature set streamline mainframe migrations to AWS. NTT DATA is an APN Advanced Consulting Partner that helps clients navigate and simplify the modern complexities of business and technology, delivering the insights, solutions, and outcomes that matter most to their objectives.


How to Migrate Mainframe Batch to Cloud Microservices with AWS Blu Age

While modernizing customer mainframes, the team at AWS Blu Age discovered that Batch can be a complex aspect of a mainframe migration to AWS. It’s critical to design your AWS architecture to account for the key Batch stringent performance requirements such as intensive I/Os, large datasets, and short durations. Let’s explore how to migrate mainframe Batch to AWS microservices using AWS Blu Age automated transformation technology.


Testing AWS GameDay with the AWS Well-Architected Framework – Continued Remediation

This is the third post in our series documenting a project to fix issues with the AWS GameDay architecture by using tenets of the AWS Well-Architected Framework. In Part 2, we remediated the critical findings found in our initial review and here we’ll cover remediating the deficiencies found in our Disaster Recovery plan, as well as other optimizations we’ve made due to recent announcements. We will also discuss how to address another crucial component in our application development—testing.


Testing AWS GameDay with AWS Well-Architected Framework – Remediation

This is the second post in our series documenting a project to fix issues with the GameDay architecture by using tenets of the AWS Well-Architected Framework. We cover the steps it took to fix the critical findings identified by the review team. As noted in Part 1 of the series, the review team delivered a list of critical findings we needed to prioritize, as well as a list of non-critical ideas that we should consider in our roadmap.


Testing AWS GameDay with the AWS Well-Architected Framework – Review

AWS GameDay is an immersive, team-based event we have hosted at AWS Summits and re:Invent over the past few years. The event has teams of players settling into a challenging—and hopefully entertaining—scenario as DevOps leads at Unicorn.Rentals, a popular startup minutes away from the very public launch of a widely anticipated product.