AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Advanced (300)


Integrating Amazon Cognito with 1Kosmos BlockID for Enhanced Security and User Experience

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) enhances security for web and mobile applications by requiring additional identification methods other than a password. Providing a frictionless user experience with MFA often requires a variety of authentication options that support a range of users and devices. Learn how 1Kosmos BlockID and Amazon Cognito can help to balance security with usability when building customer facing applications.

Enriching Snowflake Data with Amazon Location Service and AWS Lambda

The integration of geospatial data into the broader business intelligence and decision-making process is referred to as location intelligence. On AWS, you can use the Snowflake Data Cloud to integrate fragmented data, discover and securely share data, and execute diverse analytic workloads. This post shows how you can enrich your existing Snowflake data with location-based insights using Amazon Location Service for location intelligence workloads.

Filter and Stream Logs from Amazon S3 Logging Buckets into Splunk Using AWS Lambda

This post showcases a way to filter and stream logs from centralized Amazon S3 logging buckets to Splunk using a push mechanism leveraging AWS Lambda. The push mechanism offers benefits such as lower operational overhead, lower costs, and automated scaling. We’ll provide instructions and a sample Lambda code that filters virtual private cloud (VPC) flow logs with “action” flag set to “REJECT” and pushes it to Splunk via a Splunk HTTP Event Collector (HEC) endpoint.


Authenticate Kubecost Users with Application Load Balancer and Amazon Cognito

Amazon EKS has a collaboration with Kubecost, a Kubernetes and cloud cost management tool that helps customers monitor, track, optimize, and govern their cloud and Kubernetes spending. Kubecost can be installed easily in a few minutes, but many customers are looking for a cloud-native way to expose Kubecost UI for their internal team to access the costs report. This post describes how to authenticate Kubecost users via Application Load Balancer and Amazon Cognito.


Building a Data Lakehouse with Amazon S3 and Dremio on Apache Iceberg Tables

Learn how to implement a data lakehouse using Amazon S3 and Dremio on Apache Iceberg, which enables data teams to quickly, easily, and safely keep up with data and analytics changes. This helps businesses realize fast turnaround times to process the changes end-to-end. Dremio is an AWS Partner whose data lake engine delivers fast query speed and a self-service semantic layer operating directly against S3 data.

Leapfrog from CentOS 7.9 to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8.9 with Convert2RHEL and Leapp Utilities on AWS

While implementing a new OS may seem tedious, it presents an opportunity to reassess your organization’s needs, and this overview discusses key benefits of migrating to Red Hat Enterprise Linux from CentOS Linux. The ‘convert2rhel’ utility converts a CentOS 7.9 or CentOS 8 instances in-place to RHEL 7.9 or RHEL 8 instance. The Leapp utility converts the RHEL 7.9 instance to a RHEL 8.9, and Red Hat publishes lifecycle dates for RHEL. Note that RHEL 8 will continue to receive updates until May 31, 2029.

Empowering Researchers to Run HPC Workloads on AWS with Research Gateway

Modern scientific research depends heavily on processing large-scale datasets which requires elastic, scalable, easy-to-use, and cost-effective computing resources. Research Gateway from Relevance Lab simplifies access to HPC clusters using a self-service portal, making provisioning and configuration of an elastic cluster easy for researchers. This helps them focus on the research itself, while leveraging AWS ParallelCluster for their scientific computing.

Securing 5G Core Applications on AWS Snowball Edge with Palo Alto Networks

The security pillar of the AWS Well-Architected Framework describes how to take advantage of cloud technologies to protect data, systems, and assets in a way that improves security posture. The security pillar doesn’t just apply to AWS regions and Availability Zones but also to hybrid cloud solutions on premises. In this post, we’ll focus on security using AWS Snowball Edge and how Palo Alto Network’s VM-Series firewall is deployed and configured to secure access to a 5G core application providing cellular 5G connectivity.


Best Practices from Rackspace for Modernizing a Legacy HBase/Solr Architecture Using AWS Services

As technology advances and business requirements change, organizations may find themselves needing to migrate away from legacy data processing systems like HBase, Solr, and HBase Indexer. Explore the advantages of migrating from HBase, Solr, and HBase indexer to a modern data ecosystem based on AWS, and dive deep on the discuss architecture, design, and pathways for implementation. This post offers insights and guidance from Rackspace for those looking to embark on this intricate migration journey.

Automating Secure and Scalable Website Deployment on AWS with Amazon CloudFront and AWS CDK

There is no easier way to run HTTPS-enabled static websites on AWS than by using Amazon CloudFront and Amazon S3. In this post, we’ll look at automating website deployment on AWS using AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) and TypeScript. We’ll use the architecture that combines CloudFront as the content delivery network, AWS Certificate Manager for secure certificate provisioning, Amazon S3 for reliable website hosting, and Amazon Route 53 as the domain name system.