AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: AWS CloudFormation

Generating Custom AWS CloudFormation Templates with Lambda to Create Cross-Account Roles

Ian Scofield is a Partner Solutions Architect (SA) at AWS.  In a previous post in our series, we showed how to use an AWS CloudFormation launch stack URL to help customers create a cross-account role in their AWS account. As mentioned in an earlier APN Blog post, a cross-account role is the recommended method to […]

AWS Migration

Facilitating a Migration to AWS with CloudEndure by Leveraging Automation

By Carmen Puccio and Mandus Momberg, Partner Solutions Architects at AWS focused on Migration It’s no secret that migrating software and services from an on-premises environment to the cloud entails unique considerations and requirements. To provide confidence in the outcome of your migration, your migration strategy needs to scale easily. This means that a large […]

Have You Read Our 2016 AWS Partner Solutions Architect Guest Posts?

In 2016, we hosted 38 guest posts from AWS Partner Solutions Architects (SAs), who work very closely with both Consulting and Technology Partners as they build solutions on AWS. As we kick off 2017, I want to take a look back at all of the fantastic content created by our SAs. A few key themes emerged […]

Deploy to Production using AWS CodeBuild and the AWS Developer Tools Suite

This is a guest post from Paul Duvall, Stelligent, with contributions from Brian Jakovich and Jonny Sywulak, Stelligent. Paul Duvall is CTO at Stelligent, and an AWS Community Hero.  Stelligent is an AWS DevOps Competency Partner.  At re:Invent 2016, AWS announced a new fully managed service called AWS CodeBuild that allows you to build your […]

Get Started with HashiCorp Consul and Vault on AWS with Our New AWS Quick Starts

We’re pleased to announce our latest AWS Quick Start reference deployments, Consul and Vault by HashiCorp, an AWS DevOps Competency Partner. We developed these Quick Starts in collaboration with HashiCorp, and we feel that these guides represent current best practices in Consul and Vault deployments. Consul and Vault are two very popular tools in the […]

Taking NAT to the Next Level in AWS CloudFormation Templates

Santiago Cardenas is a Partner Solutions Architect (SA) at AWS.   So you’re already creating your cloud infrastructure using AWS CloudFormation to automate your deployments through infrastructure-as-code. As you design the virtual network, you’re probably already using public and private subnets within your Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC), given the best practices of subnet isolation […]