AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Category: Security, Identity, & Compliance


Prioritize Risks and Add Context to Amazon Inspector Findings with Solvo Data Posture Manager

One of the biggest cloud security concerns is the lack of visibility and control over sensitive data. Learn about the need for multi-dimensional visibility into infrastructure resources, applications and user behavior, and the data associated with them, and how Solvo’s Data Posture Manager uses this approach to provide contextual, adaptive cloud security. Solvo is an AWS Partner whose platform provides contextual, application, and data-aware cloud infrastructure security.


Preventing API Breaches Using Salt Security with AWS WAF and Amazon API Gateway

Traditional security approaches are often unable to detect and stop complex API attacks. It was for exactly this purpose that Salt Security was established in 2018. Salt’s founders have a unique patent to use big data and AI/ML that allows Salt to spearhead the growing industry of dedicated API security solutions. Learn how the Salt Security platform allows for the analysis of API traffic that exposes complex attacks, including those identified in the OWASP API Security Top 10 list.

Improve Your Security Posture with Claroty xDome Integration with Amazon Security Lake

Learn how to stream security events from Claroty xDome to Amazon Security Lake to centralize your security data for more efficient storage, query, and analysis. This enables customers to quickly analyze multiple years of security data across OT, IIoT, and cloud environments, using their preferred tools for security analytics and building resilient operations by enhancing threat detection and response capabilities.


Enhanced Ransomware Protection with Air-Gapped Veritas Alta Recovery Vault on AWS

Business and technology leaders are being challenged to improve security and resilience in the face of rising information security threats. Alta Recovery Vault is a Veritas managed storage-as-a-service offering for backups that helps reduce the risk of ransomware events. Running on AWS, Alta Recovery Vault enables customers to realize cloud storage benefits such as data immutability, encryption in transit and at rest, rapid recovery, data durability, and reduced total cost of ownership.


Uncover Malicious Activity and Protect Amazon EKS Workloads from Network-Based Threats Using Calico Cloud

With Amazon EKS, developers can easily deploy, scale, and manage containerized applications across a cluster of machines. As EKS environments grow and support critical business operations, securing these environments becomes increasingly important. Learn how Tigera’s Calico Cloud provides an active security platform with full-stack observability for containers and Kubernetes, and how to uncover malicious activity and protect your workloads in EKS using Calico Cloud.

Simple and Flexible SaaS Entitlement Management with LaunchDarkly

Being able to support varying tenant configurations is a common requirement for SaaS providers. Learn how LaunchDarkly creates varied tenant experiences with entitlement flags and how to model entitlements as feature flags, targeted to tiers to give tenants access to specific features. We’ll also dive into ways you can use the LaunchDarkly feature for flagging deployments/releases, doing progressive rollouts, or running experimentation—all important release practices for SaaS providers.

Streamlined Resource Management with the Infosys Automated Self-Service Landing Zone Solution for AWS

Infosys has crafted an automated self-service landing zone solution for AWS which employs AWS Control Tower to generate the customer’s organization unit structure and set up individual accounts. It uses the infrastructure as code tools from Terraform for infrastructure provisioning and Ansible for service configuration. The landing zone provides a pre-configured and secure environment, functioning as a springboard for organizations to manage their AWS resources effectively.


Elastio Integrates with AWS Backup for Secure Backups to Enhance Ransomware Defense

Elastio’s integration between its Cyber Recovery as a Service (CRaaS) platform and AWS Backup is run from within the customer’s AWS account, and Elastio does not have access to view or take custody of customer data, nor does it have access to encryption keys. AWS customers control all policy details, including which account(s) to run it in, what assets to scan, and whether to automatically scan or do so on a point-in-time basis.


Achieving Compliance with Healthcare Regulations Using safeINIT’s HIPAA-Compliant Environment

Healthcare organizations must take strict measures to protect patient data, including using secure infrastructure to host applications. It’s important to remember that compliance is not just about avoiding penalties—it’s about keeping patients’ personal health information safe. Learn how a new infrastructure-as-code HIPAA-compliant environment from safeINIT is designed specifically to protect sensitive data for healthcare applications on AWS.


Automate SAML 2.0 Federation for AWS Organizations Using Azure Active Directory

Many enterprises want to streamline identity management by introducing a single identity provider for their multi-cloud approach. In this post, we’ll cover the integration of single sign-on with Azure Active Directory in the context of AWS Control Tower. Learn how Devoteam A Cloud recently led a migration project where it presented a client with two options for integrating SAML 2.0 federation into their AWS Organization using Azure AD.