AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog


Reviewing DNS Mechanisms for Routing Traffic and Enabling Failover for AWS PrivateLink Deployments

Customers looking to consume AWS PrivateLink-enabled services from service providers need a mechanism to route traffic from their VPCs and on-premises networks to PrivateLink VPC endpoints. The service providers, in turn, want to make it easy to consume their PrivateLink-enabled services by managing such routing mechanisms. In this post, we describe four DNS mechanisms to route traffic from customer networks to the PrivateLink VPC endpoints.

AWS Competency_featured

Tips for Becoming an AWS Migration Consulting and Delivery Competency Partner

All across the world, APN Partners are helping customers realize their digital transformation by migrating datacenter infrastructure and applications to AWS. To highlight our APN Partners that have demonstrated technical proficiency and proven customer success in the migration area, we established the AWS Migration Competency. Explore the key elements of the AWS Migration Competency Validation Checklist for APN Consulting and Delivery Partners, and understand the principles and rationales behind the requirements.


Transforming Your Desktop to Amazon WorkSpaces with Nuvens and Liquidware

To ensure the transformation to Amazon WorkSpaces is as seamless as possible for organizations and end users, APN Partners Nuvens and Liquidware have partnered to build a solution allowing users to access their desktop anywhere, anytime, and using any device. Companies can easily provision desktops for users in just a few mouse clicks and deliver global user access to applications, documents, and other resources. Check out the Nuvens Consulting Offer on AWS Solution Space.

Cloud Anything

Connecting AWS and Salesforce Enables Enterprises to Do More with Customer Data

As organizations seek to innovate and build customer experiences faster by leveraging data about their customers, a closer integration of Salesforce and AWS opens up a lot of possibilities. In this post, we’ll explore some specific Salesforce integration scenarios that customers often ask about. The announcement from AWS and Salesforce about our extended strategic alliance and how we’re integrating our products underscores the opportunity to help enterprises get more out of their customer data.

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New Research From TSO Logic Shows AWS Costs Get Lower Every Year

It’s never been less expensive to move to Amazon Web Services, and new research from TSO Logic shows AWS prices keep getting lower. The more resources you move to the AWS Cloud, and the longer you keep them there, the more value you can expect. Go inside the research TSO Logic conducted to quantify year-over-year cost declines of AWS services—the first study of its kind to put actual numbers behind the trend.

Say Hello

Say Hello to 20 New AWS Competency Partners Added in August

The AWS Competency Program welcomed 20 new APN Partners in August—spanning workload, solution, and industry designations. The AWS Competency Program helps customers identify and choose the world’s top APN Partners that have demonstrated technical proficiency and proven customer success in specialized solution areas. Please join us in welcoming our newest AWS Competency Partners!

AWS Big Data

AWS Analytics Services Explained: From Data Lakes to Machine Learning

AWS provides a broad set of managed services for data analytics that, along with a strong APN Partner community, can help you build a scalable, secure, and cost-effective data lake. Customers and APN Partners want to know how to put all these pieces so we created a new poster and video explaining the overall flow of data—from data collection, storage, and processing all the way to analytics and machine learning.

AWS Cloud Automation

Using Amazon CloudFront with Multi-Region Amazon S3 Origins

By leveraging services like Amazon S3 to host content, AWS Competency Partner Cloudar has a cost effective way to build websites that are highly available. If content is stored in a single Amazon S3 bucket, all of the content is stored in a single AWS region. To serve content from other regions, you need to route requests to different Amazon S3 buckets. In this post, explore how to accomplished this by using Amazon CloudFront as a content delivery network and Lambda@Edge as a router.

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How the AWS Well-Architected Framework Drives Growth for Customers and APN Partners

Over the last year, Five Talent has implemented the AWS Well-Architected Framework to help large enterprise customers, mid-sized companies, and startups across the globe. In this post, explore how leveraging the Well-Architected Framework Review accelerates new business opportunities and gives customers a holistic, comprehensive process for managing cloud technology and understanding its impact on their business.

APN Partner Success_featured

How AWS Industrial Software Competency Partners are Shaping the Next Industrial Revolution

Launch Partners in the AWS Industrial Software Competency Program have built solutions on AWS targeting the primary steps in discrete manufacturing or process industries: Product Design, Production Design, and Production/Operations. These solutions follow AWS best practices for building the most secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient cloud infrastructure for industry applications. Here are customer stories from APN Partners Siemens Teamcenter, Gräbert GmbH, ZeroLight, Cadence, and Actyx.