AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Amazon EKS


Broadpeak Launches New Video Streaming API SaaS Platform with Support from AWS SaaS Factory

Video delivery is changing as viewers expect content providers to deliver an exceptional streaming experience with personalized and context-aware streaming. Broadpeak is an AWS Partner and leading provider of CDN and video streaming solutions that helps content providers and pay-TV operators worldwide. We recently spoke with Mathias Guille, VP Cloud Platform at Broadpeak, to learn more about the new SaaS platform and the value it brings to customers.


Accelerating AWS Adoption Using Servian’s Cloud Foundation Solution

Servian Cloud Foundation helps organizations build an automated, secure, compliant, and fully customizable account and infrastructure foundation on AWS. It’s a well-architected and opinionated blueprint built from Servian’s expertise and experience helping customers address security, compliance, DevOps, and IaC adoption challenges. Servian Cloud Foundation significantly reduces time to adoption for building solutions at speed and scale, while decreasing risk and putting in place consistent best-practice processes.


The Most Viewed APN Blog Posts in 2021

From a wide range of AWS Partner success stories to new partner programs launched at AWS re:Invent, here’s a look at the most popular APN Blog posts we shared in 2021. Our goal with this blog has always been to share timely and relevant news, technical solutions, partner stories, and more from Amazon Web Services and the AWS Partner Network (APN) specifically. Thank you for reading the APN Blog, and Happy New Year to all our AWS Partners and customers!


Accelerate Modernization of Legacy Applications Using Wipro CNAP and Amazon EKS

For many companies, budget and time constraints, along with shifting workplace dynamics and lack of skilled developers, prevent them from taking the leap in modernizing their legacy applications. Learn how Wipro is taking a step forward to address these challenges and deliver cloud transformation at scale with the Cloud Native Acceleration Platform (CNAP). It provides self-service and enhanced developer experience to help build both greenfield cloud-native applications and modernize legacy applications.


Implementing Centralized Fine-Grained Access Control with Immuta and AWS 

AWS is enabling a new era of data and analytics, fueled by the cloud, advanced data management, and data science tools. Explore how organizations can leverage automation and modern access control models to scale cloud adoption, accelerate time to access data, and decrease risk. With Immuta, organizations can finally unlock the full value of their data while improving productivity, reducing time to data, maintaining strong security, and enabling new data sharing use cases.


Solving the Challenge of Customer Verification and Security with Digital Onboarding

Customer onboarding remains a challenging and time-consuming process for most banks. Both digital and traditional processes are often overly complex, resulting in lower conversion rates and higher cost of acquisition. To overcome these challenges, numerous financial institutions have started customer onboarding online. In this post, walk through the use case of one of the largest financial institutes of Europe for whom Infostretch provided a substantial breakthrough to onboard the customers digitally.

Security and Compliance at Scale with CloudHealth Secure State

Security is the highest priority for AWS, which works closely with industry-leading partners such as CloudHealth by VMware to build security solutions for customers like CloudHealth Secure State (CHSS). Learn how you can set up CHSS projects, suppress rules and alerts, find misconfigurations through CHSS Explore, and set up remediation jobs all built on CloudHealth’s unified security monitoring approach for AWS.


Provisioning and Securing Bottlerocket OS-Based Amazon EKS Clusters Using Nirmata Kubernetes Platform

Securing the Kubernetes environment without compromising on developer agility holds the key to success with cloud-native adoption. The Nirmata Kubernetes Platform is designed to address these challenges comprehensively. It’s an open and easy-to-adopt platform to deploy, operate, and optimize Kubernetes workloads on any infrastructure, enabling self-service, segregation of responsibilities, and security and governance controls.

Element 84-AWS-Partners

Transforming Geospatial Data to Cloud-Native Frameworks with Element 84 on AWS

Element 84, in collaboration with AWS and Geoscience Australia, has released the Sentinel-2 Cloud-Optimized GeoTIFF (COG) dataset on AWS Open Data. Sentinel-2 is an important platform for Earth observation, and its imagery contributes to ongoing research in climate change, land use, and emergency management. By making the Sentinel-2 archive more cloud-native, we are making the data more user-friendly and (hopefully) making the lives of emergency managers, climate scientists, and policy makers that much easier.


Optimize the Cost of Running DataRobot Models by Deploying and Monitoring on AWS Serverless

Operationalizing machine learning models can be a challenge due to lack of established ML architecture and its integration with the existing landscape. DataRobot integrates with AWS and provides the flexibility for a model trained in DataRobot to be deployed on AWS services with centralized model governance, management, and monitoring. Learn how the DataRobot AutoML platform orchestrates the complete model development and training lifecycle.