AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: Amazon S3


Turning Data into a Key Enterprise Asset with a Governed Data Lake on AWS

Data and analytics success relies on providing analysts and data end users with quick, easy access to accurate, quality data. Enterprises need a high performing and cost-efficient data architecture that supports demand for data access, while providing the data governance and management capabilities required by IT. Data management excellence, which is best achieved via a data lake on AWS, captures and makes quality data available to analysts in a fast and cost-effective way.

Insurity_AWS Solutions

How Insurity Architected ClaimsXPress for High Availability and Resiliency on AWS

ISVs servicing the insurance industry can take advantage of AWS infrastructure and services to architect solutions that meet these needs, without requiring large up-front capital expenditures. Insurity ClaimsXPress is a claims management system built on AWS that provides a redundant, secure, multi-region architecture. In this post, we will outline how Insurity has architected their ClaimsXPress solution on AWS to deliver an enterprise-grade SaaS solution for the commercial insurance market.

How to Create a Continually Refreshed Amazon S3 Data Lake in Just One Day

Data management architectures have evolved drastically from the traditional data warehousing model, to today’s more flexible systems that use pay-as-you-go cloud computing models for big data workloads. Learn how AWS services like Amazon EMR can be used with Bryte Systems to deploy an Amazon S3 data lake in one day. We’ll also detail how AWS and the BryteFlow solution can automate modern data architecture to significantly accelerate delivery and business insights at scale.

Splunk_AWS Solutions

How to Reduce AWS Storage Costs for Splunk Deployments Using SmartStore

It can be overwhelming for organizations to keep pace with the amount of data being generated by machines every day. There’s a great deal of meaningful information that can be extracted from data, but companies need software vendors to develop tools that help. In this post, learn about Splunk SmartStore and how it helps customers to reduce storage cost in a Splunk deployment on AWS. Many customers are using SmartStore to reduce the size of Amazon EBS volumes and moving data to Amazon S3.

Nasuni_AWS Solutions

How to Get the Global Scalability of AWS Storage at Local Speed with Nasuni

Being able to access files via standard file protocols from one or more locations is important to many organizations. With Nasuni, all data is stored on Amazon S3, enabling customers to have access to their data anywhere over standard file protocols using many of the NAS features they’re used to at local performance, without having to maintain full replicas of the data in each location. Nasuni also has a control plane running on AWS that enables functionality such as global file locking.


Calculating SaaS Cost Per Tenant: A PoC Implementation in an AWS Kubernetes Environment

In a SaaS environment, the compute, storage, and bandwidth resources are often shared among tenants, but this makes it challenging to deduce per tenant cost. A SaaS application running on a Kubernetes cluster on AWS adds a layer of further complexity as far as calculating the per tenant cost. Kubernetes is great at abstracting away the underlying pool of hardware. It almost gives us an illusion of having access to a single large compute resource.

Slalom_AWS Solutions

How Slalom Created Personalized, Interactive Event Experiences Using Amazon Rekognition

Amazon Rekognition makes it easy to add highly accurate image and video analysis to your applications. The service’s core functionality allowed Slalom, an APN Premier Consulting Partner, to create three personalized, interactive experiences for attendees at REALIZE, the company’s inaugural, one-day client summit in Chicago. Dive deep into how Slalom did it, and follow along with a how-to so you can learn to do it yourself.

APN Storage Partners-1

How Customers Can Run and Protect Workloads with AWS Storage Partner Solutions

Complementing AWS native services, APN Storage Partners are dedicated to helping customers move and store data of all types. APN Storage Partners have the expertise and experience to asses, deploy, upgrade, and manage storage-centric solutions across many use cases. As AWS continues to release new storage services and features, APN Partners are quick to follow suit with innovative solutions leveraging those new services and features, providing ever-more choice and flexibility to customers.

How Oil & Gas is Solving Technological Limitations of Complex Reservoir Simulation with CMG and AWS

Oil and gas companies are looking beyond “easy oil” to unlock resources from more complex reservoirs. To solve this growing challenge, organizations are turning to AWS to maximize computational capacities. Computer Modelling Group Ltd. (CMG) is an APN Technology Partner whose revolutionary cloud solution provides engineers with faster simulation runs, giving them time to focus on reservoir and project analysis.


Building a Data Lake Foundation for Salesforce in AWS

Data is one of the most important assets FinancialForce customers have, and business applications in particular hold an enormous amount of vital data. Tapping into this can mean the difference between a well-run and world-class business. FinancialForce provides solutions on top of the Salesforce platform for core business functionalities, such as financial management and professional services automation. Learn how FinancialForce unlocks the potential of data by integrating between AWS and Salesforce.