AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

Tag: AWS Secrets Manager

Cloud Anything-13

Building a Third-Party SaaS Metering and Billing Integration on AWS

When moving to a SaaS model, companies need more flexible billing constructs that allow them to support a range of billing strategies and models. Learn how SaaS providers can create a billing integration experience that captures metering data and publishes it to a third-party billing system. We’ll also review common SaaS billing models and introduce a sample billing implementation that provides a working example of how you can approach building a strategy for integrating with SaaS billing providers.


How HeleCloud Used AWS Secrets Manager to Automate Credentials Rotation of MS SQL on Amazon EC2

HeleCloud combines AWS Secrets Manager and the AWS Systems Manager Run Command into a solution that automatically rotates secrets for databases running on Amazon EC2. In addition to automatically rotating your secrets, it allows you to access them in applications running on Amazon EKS. Learn about the HeleCloud solution and walk through the code snippets and steps required to set up automatic credentials rotation of MS SQL Server running on Amazon EC2.


Isolating SaaS Tenants with Dynamically Generated IAM Policies

Many SaaS organizations leverage AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) to define a series of policies and roles that can be used to ensure tenants are not allowed to cross tenant boundaries when accessing resources. To make this work, you have to create separate policies for each tenant which can create an explosion of tenant policies that push the account limits of IAM. Learn how dynamic policy generation creates a more scalable and manageable isolation experience.


Integrating Third-Party Solutions to AWS Config Rule Evaluations

AWS Config continuously monitors and records your AWS resource configurations, and allows you to automate the evaluation of recorded configurations against desired configurations. This post aims to assist you on deploying a set of custom AWS Config Rules that leverages third-party REST APIs to evaluate AWS resources in an automated fashion. The AWS Config evaluations represented in this guide show the reporting status of Amazon EC2 instances against TrendMicro and Qualys.


In-Depth Strategies for Building a Scalable, Multi-Tenant SaaS Solution with Amazon Redshift

Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) presents developers and architects with a unique set of challenges. One essential decision you’ll have to make is how to partition data for each tenant of your system. Learn how to harness Amazon Redshift to build a scalable, multi-tenant SaaS solution on AWS. This post explores trategies that are commonly used to partition and isolate tenant data in a SaaS environment, and how to apply them in Amazon Redshift.

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Keeping the Security and Scalability of Serverless Apps Problem-Free with AWS Secrets Manager

AWS Secrets Manager helps you protect secrets needed to access your applications, services, and IT resources while enabling you to easily rotate, manage, and retrieve database credentials, API keys, and other secrets throughout their lifecycle. If you’re researching how to improve secrets management, it’s critical to curate the advice you find. The engineers at Stackery have spent lots of time doing just that and share several benefits for using AWS Secrets Manager to keep security and scalability problem-free down the line.