AWS Architecture Blog

Category: Management Tools

Field Notes: Creating Custom Analytics Dashboards with FireEye Helix and Amazon QuickSight

FireEye Helix is a security operations platform that allows organizations to take control of any incident from detection to response. FireEye Helix detects security incidents by correlating logs and configuration settings from sources like VPC Flow Logs, AWS CloudTrail, and Security groups. In this blog post, we will discuss an architecture that allows you to […]

Shared responsibility model for sustainability

Optimizing your AWS Infrastructure for Sustainability, Part I: Compute

As organizations align their business with sustainable practices, it is important to review every functional area. If you’re building, deploying, and maintaining an IT stack, improving its environmental impact requires informed decision making. This three-part blog series provides strategies to optimize your AWS architecture within compute, storage, and networking. In Part I, we provide success criteria […]

Remote monitoring dashboard allows homeowners to view and control conditions

Automating Your Home with Grafana and Siemens Controllers

Imagine that you have access to a digital twin of your house that allows you to remotely monitor and control different devices inside your home. Forgot to turn off the heater or air conditioning? Didn’t close water faucets? Wondering how long your kids have been watching TV? Wouldn’t it be nice to have all the […]

High-level design for an AWS lake house implementation

Benefits of Modernizing On-premises Analytics with an AWS Lake House

Organizational analytics systems have shifted from running in the background of IT systems to being critical to an organization’s health. Analytics systems help businesses make better decisions, but they tend to be complex and are often not agile enough to scale quickly. To help with this, customers upgrade their traditional on-premises online analytic processing (OLAP) […]

Figure 1. Architectural diagram for a highly available (HA) deployment of OMERO on AWS including data ingestion options

Manage your Digital Microscopy Data using OMERO on AWS

The Open Microscopy Environment (OME) consortium develops open-source software and format standards for microscopy data. OME Remote Objects (OMERO) is an open source, image data management platform designed to support digital pathology and cellular biology studies. You can access, share, and work with various biological data. This can include histopathology, high content screening, electron microscopy, […]

DR implementation architecture on multi-Region active-passive workloads

Implementing Multi-Region Disaster Recovery Using Event-Driven Architecture

In this blog post, we share a reference architecture that uses a multi-Region active/passive strategy to implement a hot standby strategy for disaster recovery (DR). We highlight the benefits of performing DR failover using event-driven, serverless architecture, which provides high reliability, one of the pillars of AWS Well Architected Framework. With the multi-Region active/passive strategy, your workloads […]

Fitness functions provide feedback to engineers via metrics

Using Cloud Fitness Functions to Drive Evolutionary Architecture

“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is most adaptable to change.” – often attributed to Charles Darwin One common strategy for businesses that operate in dynamic market conditions (and thus need to continuously correct their course) is to aim for smaller, independent […]

Figure 1. Architecture diagram depicting enterprise vertical integration with Amazon EventBridge

Vertical Integration Strategy Powered by Amazon EventBridge

Over the past few years, midsize and large enterprises have adopted vertical integration as part of their strategy to optimize operations and profitability. Vertical integration consists of separating different stages of the production line from other related departments, such as marketing and logistics. Enterprises implement such strategy to gain full control of their value chain: from the […]

Figure 8. General example of Systems Manager process flow

Using AWS Systems Manager in Hybrid Cloud Environments

Customers operating in hybrid environments today face tremendous challenges with regard to operational management, security/compliance, and monitoring. Systems administrators have to connect, monitor, patch, and automate across multiple Operating Systems (OS), applications, cloud, and on-premises infrastructure. Each of these scenarios has its own unique vendor and console purpose-built for a specific use case. Using Hybrid […]

Serverless compute with Fargate

Rate Limiting Strategies for Serverless Applications

Serverless technologies reduce the work needed to set up and maintain computing resources, provide built-in scalability, and optimize agility, performance, cost, and security. The pay-as-you-go model is particularly liberating for developers. You can fail fast, experiment more, and do it fairly cheaply. However, serverless brings its own challenges. In this blog, we’ll examine how to […]