AWS News Blog

Category: Compute

AWS Solution – Transit VPC

Today I would like to tell you about a new AWS Solution. This one is cool because of what it does and how it works! Like the AWS Quick Starts, this one was built by AWS Solutions Architects and incorporates best practices for security and high availability. The new Transit VPC Solution shows you how […]

Powerful AWS Platform Features, Now for Containers

Containers are great but they come with their own management challenges. Our customers have been using containers on AWS for quite some time to run workloads ranging from microservices to batch jobs. They told us that managing a cluster, including the state of the EC2 instances and containers, can be tricky, especially as the environment […]

EC2 Run Command Update – Hybrid and Cross-Cloud Management

We launched EC2 Run Command late last year (read my post, New EC2 Run Command – Remote Instance Management at Scale to learn more). This feature was designed to allow developers, system administrators, and other IT professionals to easily and efficiently manage multiple EC2 instances running Windows or Linux. As I explained in my original […]

Amazon Elastic File System – Production-Ready in Three Regions

The portfolio of AWS storage products has grown increasingly rich and diverse over time. Amazon S3 started out with a single storage class and has grown to include storage classes for regular, infrequently accessed, and archived objects. Similarly, Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS) began with a single volume type and now offers a choice […]