AWS Marketplace

Category: How-To

Consulting Partner Private Offers AWS Marketplace

How to create Consulting Partner Private Offers

Introduction AWS Marketplace enables consulting partners to resell independent software vendors’ (sellers’) products through the Consulting Partner Private Offers (CPPO) program. The seller extends a recurring or one-time discount that grants the consulting partner authorization to resell one or more of their products. The consulting partner may then extend a private offer on behalf of […]


Enabling and approving end user requests for Private Marketplace

In November 2018, we launched Private Marketplace, which enables you to create a custom digital catalog of pre-approved products from AWS Marketplace. Customers loved the granular control to create an approved catalog of AWS Marketplace products for their organization. I also heard from customers that it would be helpful to allow end users to request […]

AWS Marketplace seller private offers billing cost management

How to subscribe to AWS Marketplace Seller Private Offers

Introduction AWS Marketplace Seller Private Offers is a purchasing program. It enables customers and third-party sellers in AWS Marketplace to negotiate custom prices, payment schedules, and end user licensing agreement (EULA) terms for software purchases. In this blog post, I show how you as a customer subscribe to a Seller Private Offer in AWS Marketplace. […]

Updating your AWS Marketplace products via Catalog API

We are pleased to announce the availability of the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. This new feature provides an API interface to programmatically view and update your data products. You can now extend your release and deployment pipeline to programmatically publish new dataset revisions to your data products using AWS SDKs and Catalog APIs. AWS Marketplace […]

aws marketplace private marketplace diagram

Controlling access to a well-architected Private Marketplace using IAM and AWS Organizations

At re:Invent 2018, AWS announced Private Marketplace, a feature that helps customers govern third-party software procurement from AWS Marketplace. In this post, I share some best practices that help you follow the principle of least privilege and implement access control using IAM and service control policies (SCPs) in AWS Organizations to set up a well-architected […]

send metering records simultaneously code

Going to market with SaaS subscriptions and contracts in AWS Marketplace

By Judah Bernstein, Partner Solutions Architect (SA) at AWS focused on SaaS Tapo Ghosh, Partner Solutions Architect focused in AWS Marketplace This post is for independent software vendors (ISVs) offering software as a service (SaaS) solutions. In this blog post, we provide an overview of billing through SaaS contracts in AWS Marketplace. We also give […]

AWS Marketplace seller account settings

7 Tips to Successfully Submit Your Product Listing in AWS Marketplace

AWS Marketplace is a digital catalog that enables qualified Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to sell software solutions to AWS customers. In this post, I offer seven chronological tips to successfully submit your product listing in AWS Marketplace. Tip 1: Check requirements and complete your tax and banking wizard The best way to start is by […]

ClougFormation AWS Marketplace AMI reference architecture

CloudFormation Templates 101 for Sellers in AWS Marketplace

AWS Marketplace is a digital catalog that enables qualified Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) to market software solutions and makes it easy for AWS customers to find, buy, and deploy software on AWS. In this post, I will explain a use case where CloudFormation template is a better fit than a Single-AMI solution, and then I […]

aws marketplace

New self-service registration for AWS Marketplace Sellers

By Ian Yang, Sr. Product Manager at AWS AWS Marketplace is a digital catalog with thousands of independent software vendors that makes it easy for customers to find, buy, and deploy software on AWS. For Sellers, this gives you a way to connect to more than 170,000 customers using AWS Marketplace. AWS Marketplace recently announced […]