AWS Marketplace

Category: Advanced (300)

Managing Private Marketplace across multiple AWS Organizations

In this post, I introduce a distributed serverless solution that enables you to keep Private Marketplace experiences in multiple organizations synchronized and manage them from a central management organization.

Visualize your CloudWatch metrics with AWS resource tags in Coralogix from AWS Marketplace

This post will show you how to take your CloudWatch metrics to the next level by using your AWS resource tags in your monitoring setup.

Enhanced search filtering in AWS Marketplace Catalog API

Enhanced search filtering in AWS Marketplace Catalog API

In this post, we show you how to use the enhanced filtering and sorting capability provided by the ListEntities action in the AWS Marketplace Catalog API. The new filtering and sorting capability lets customers retrieve information with fewer API calls. AWS Marketplace sellers can use improved search results to help elevate the user experience.

Automate the pricing of your AWS Marketplace resources with Catalog API

Automate the pricing of your AWS Marketplace resources with Catalog API

This post will provide an overview of how you can take advantage of APIs to manage pricing aspects of your products, offers, resale authorizations, and CPPOs.  You will learn about pricing terms and how to update them programmatically using the AWS Marketplace Catalog API.

Using PredictHQ data from AWS Data Exchange for demand forecasting

Food supply chain optimization using PredictHQ intelligent event data from AWS Data Exchange for demand forecasting

In this post, we will show how it may be possible to avoid wastage and better forecast food needs using PredictHQ’s dataset with  Amazon Forecast and other machine learning services.

Quant research at scale using AWS and Refinitiv data

Quant research at scale using AWS and Refinitiv data

In this blog post, Alex, Pramod, and I will show how to install and use the infrastructure we built to perform quant research at scale. We made the stack and examples available in the public repository so you can use it in your own investment research. This solution uses Apache Spark, Amazon EMR on EKS, Docker, Karpenter, EMR Studio Notebooks, and AWS Data Exchange for Amazon S3.

Speed product provisioning with customized SaaS landing page fields

Speed product provisioning with customized SaaS landing page fields

In this blog post, we show how to customize your landing page for the serverless SaaS integration by adding additional fields to the landing page. You can also create input validations for the new variables added.

best practices for receiving accepting and distributing private offers in aws marketplace

Best practices for receiving, accepting, and distributing Private Offers in AWS Marketplace

In this blog post, I showed how to search for and select products available in AWS Marketplace and how to receive and accept private offers. I also showed how to scale your private offers using managed entitlements and how to enhance security using a delegated administrator account to distribute license entitlements.

Building an AWS CICD Pipeline for IBM API Connect Enterprise

Building an AWS CI/CD Pipeline for IBM API Connect Enterprise

Using a CI/CD pipeline with IBM API Connect can help simplify and streamline your API publishing and testing workflows. In this blog post, Senthil and I will show you how to set up AWS CodePipeline (CodePipeline) to build an API Connect CI/CD pipeline to publish and test APIs and product changes.

Deploy third-party software add-ons from AWS Marketplace to Amazon EKS clusters

Deploy third-party software add-ons from AWS Marketplace to Amazon EKS clusters

In this post, Swaminathan and I will show you how to find, subscribe to, and deploy AWS Marketplace add-ons from the Amazon EKS Console or using a CLI approach. Specifically, we’ll show how you can subscribe to and deploy Kubecost, a third-party cost optimization software, to your cluster as an Amazon EKS add-on.