AWS Marketplace

Category: Management & Governance

Managing Private Marketplace across multiple AWS Organizations

In this post, I introduce a distributed serverless solution that enables you to keep Private Marketplace experiences in multiple organizations synchronized and manage them from a central management organization.

Visualize your CloudWatch metrics with AWS resource tags in Coralogix from AWS Marketplace

This post will show you how to take your CloudWatch metrics to the next level by using your AWS resource tags in your monitoring setup.

Streamline secure and compliant healthcare cloud adoption

This post highlights key takeaways from Machinify’s compliance journey, the trends shaping the healthcare landscape, and excerpts from the Q&A session. You can view the Streamline secure and compliant healthcare cloud adoption webinar for the entire discussion.

New Single Pane of Glass (SPG) dashboard for AWS Marketplace buyers

Simplify AWS Marketplace activity visualization with a single pane of glass

In this post, Ramya and I introduce you to the new SPG dashboard as a single pane of glass for your Marketplace transactions. You can view this dashboard without having AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions or technical proficiency on the underlying AWS services. We show how you can use the SPG dashboard for a simplified view of your AWS Marketplace subscriptions for spend management and usage tracking.

Effective cloud remediation for Security Hub findings with

Effective cloud remediation for Security Hub findings with

In this blog post, we show you how you can efficiently scale the remediation process using, to prioritize alerts and findings, conduct impact analysis of findings, and fix misconfigurations with minimal production impact.

Simplifying buyer procurement workflow integration with AWS Marketplace

Simplifying buyer procurement workflow integration with AWS Marketplace

In this post, we share an approach using selected AWS features that help govern how buyers use your organization’s procurement workflows for their AWS Marketplace subscriptions. We show you how to integrate these features into your procurement workflow with AWS Marketplace subscriptions with minimal effort.

How to provision software available in AWS Marketplace in AWS GovCloud

How to provision software available in AWS Marketplace in AWS GovCloud

In this post, I will show why and how to use AWS Marketplace to make your software purchases in GovCloud (US). In addition, I will show you how to subscribe to software available in AWS Marketplace as well as how to use AWS Marketplace in the GovCloud Regions to meet your business needs. I will also show how managed entitlements and private offers work in AWS GovCloud (US) Regions.

Streamlining and fast-tracking vendor risk assessments with AWS Marketplace vendor insights

Streamlining and fast-tracking vendor risk assessments with AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights

In this post, I show how to use AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights to access security profiles associated with vendor products listed in AWS Marketplace. The AWS Marketplace Vendor Insights dashboard presents compliance artifacts and security control information for software products to help buyers complete their vendor risk assessment.

Deploy Datadog’s AWS Integration into new accounts using AWS Control Tower Account Factory Customization

Deploy Datadog’s AWS Integration into new accounts using AWS Control Tower Account Factory Customization

In this post, Ryan and I show you how to deploy Datadog’s AWS integration for monitoring your accounts with AWS Control Tower using a predefined Datadog AWS Integration blueprint. With Account Factory Customization, you can quickly configure your accounts to meet your business needs.