AWS Big Data Blog

Category: Database

Amazon Redshift Engineering’s Advanced Table Design Playbook: Compound and Interleaved Sort Keys

  Part 1: Preamble, Prerequisites, and Prioritization Part 2: Distribution Styles and Distribution Keys Part 3: Compound and Interleaved Sort Keys (Translated into Japanese) Part 4: Compression Encodings Part 5: Table Data Durability In this installment, I’ll cover different sort key options, when to use sort keys, and how to identify the most optimal sort key […]

Amazon Redshift Engineering’s Advanced Table Design Playbook: Distribution Styles and Distribution Keys

  Part 1: Preamble, Prerequisites, and Prioritization Part 2: Distribution Styles and Distribution Keys (Translated into Japanese) Part 3: Compound and Interleaved Sort Keys Part 4: Compression Encodings Part 5: Table Data Durability The first table and column properties we discuss in this blog series are table distribution styles (DISTSTYLE) and distribution keys (DISTKEY). This blog […]

Amazon Redshift Engineering’s Advanced Table Design Playbook: Preamble, Prerequisites, and Prioritization

  Part 1: Preamble, Prerequisites, and Prioritization (Translated into Japanese) Part 2: Distribution Styles and Distribution Keys Part 3: Compound and Interleaved Sort Keys Part 4: Compression Encodings Part 5: Table Data Durability Amazon Redshift is a fully managed, petabyte scale, massively parallel data warehouse that offers simple operations and high performance. AWS customers use Amazon […]

Fact or Fiction: Google BigQuery Outperforms Amazon Redshift as an Enterprise Data Warehouse?

Publishing misleading performance benchmarks is a classic old guard marketing tactic. It’s not surprising to see old guard companies (like Oracle) doing this, but we were kind of surprised to see Google take this approach, too. So, when Google presented their BigQuery vs. Amazon Redshift benchmark results at a private event in San Francisco on September 29, 2016, it piqued our interest and we decided to dig deeper.

Data Lake Ingestion: Automatically Partition Hive External Tables with AWS

In this post, I introduce a simple data ingestion and preparation framework based on AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, and Apache Hive on EMR for data from different sources landing in S3. This solution lets Hive pick up new partitions as data is loaded into S3 because Hive by itself cannot detect new partitions as data lands.

Monitor Your Application for Processing DynamoDB Streams

In this post, I suggest ways you can monitor the Amazon Kinesis Client Library (KCL) application you use to process DynamoDB Streams to quickly track and resolve issues or failures so you can avoid losing data. Dashboards, metrics, and application logs all play a part. This post may be most relevant to Java applications running on Amazon EC2 instances.

Process Large DynamoDB Streams Using Multiple Amazon Kinesis Client Library (KCL) Workers

Asmita Barve-Karandikar is an SDE with DynamoDB Introduction Imagine you own a popular mobile health app, with millions of users worldwide, that continuously records new information. It sends over one million updates per second to its master data store and needs the updates to be relayed to various replicas across different regions in real time. […]

Simplify Management of Amazon Redshift Snapshots using AWS Lambda

NOTE: Amazon Redshift now supports creating an automatic snapshot schedule using the snapshot scheduler. For more information, please review this “What’s New” post. ———————————- Ian Meyers is a Solutions Architecture Senior Manager with AWS Amazon Redshift is a fast, fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse that makes it simple and cost-effective to analyze all your data […]