AWS Big Data Blog

Prepare and load Amazon S3 data into Teradata using AWS Glue through its native connector for Teradata Vantage

In this post, we explore how to use the AWS Glue native connector for Teradata Vantage to streamline data integrations and unlock the full potential of your data.

Businesses often rely on Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) for storing large amounts of data from various data sources in a cost-effective and secure manner. For those using Teradata for data analysis, integrations through the AWS Glue native connector for Teradata Vantage unlock new possibilities. AWS Glue enhances the flexibility and efficiency of data management, allowing companies to seamlessly integrate their data, regardless of its location, with Teradata’s analytical capabilities. This new connector eliminates technical hurdles related to configuration, security, and management, enabling companies to effortlessly export or import their datasets into Teradata Vantage. As a result, businesses can focus more on extracting meaningful insights from their data, rather than dealing with the intricacies of data integration.

AWS Glue is a serverless data integration service that makes it straightforward for analytics users to discover, prepare, move, and integrate data from multiple sources for analytics, machine learning (ML), and application development. With AWS Glue, you can discover and connect to more than 100 diverse data sources and manage your data in a centralized data catalog. You can visually create, run, and monitor extract, transform, and load (ETL) pipelines to load data into your data lakes.

Teradata Corporation is a leading connected multi-cloud data platform for enterprise analytics, focused on helping companies use all their data across an enterprise, at scale. As an AWS Data & Analytics Competency partner, Teradata offers a complete cloud analytics and data platform, including for Machine Learning.

Introducing the AWS Glue native connector for Teradata Vantage

AWS Glue provides support for Teradata, accessible through both AWS Glue Studio and AWS Glue ETL scripts. With AWS Glue Studio, you benefit from a visual interface that simplifies the process of connecting to Teradata and authoring, running, and monitoring AWS Glue ETL jobs. For data developers, this support extends to AWS Glue ETL scripts, where you can use Python or Scala to create and manage more specific data integration and transformation tasks.

The AWS Glue native connector for Teradata Vantage allows you to efficiently read and write data from Teradata without the need to install or manage any connector libraries. You can add Teradata as both the source and target within AWS Glue Studio’s no-code, drag-and-drop visual interface or use the connector directly in an AWS Glue ETL script job.

Solution overview

In this example, you use AWS Glue Studio to enrich and upload data stored on Amazon S3 to Teradata Vantage. You start by joining the Event and Venue files from the TICKIT dataset. Next, you filter the results to a single geographic region. Finally, you upload the refined data to Teradata Vantage.

The TICKIT dataset tracks sales activity for the fictional TICKIT website, where users buy and sell tickets online for sporting events, shows, and concerts. In this dataset, analysts can identify ticket movement over time, success rates for sellers, and best-selling events, venues, and seasons.

For this example, you use AWS Glue Studio to develop a visual ETL pipeline. This pipeline will read data from Amazon S3, perform transformations, and then load the transformed data into Teradata. The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

Solution Overview

By the end of this post, your visual ETL job will resemble the following screenshot.

Visual ETL Job Flow


For this example, you should have access to an existing Teradata database endpoint with network reachability from AWS and permissions to create tables and load and query data.

AWS Glue needs network access to Teradata to read or write data. How this is configured depends on where your Teradata is deployed and the specific network configuration. For Teradata deployed on AWS, you might need to configure VPC peering or AWS PrivateLink, security groups, and network access control lists (NACLs) to allow AWS Glue to communicate with Teradata overt TCP. If Teradata is outside AWS, networking services such as AWS Site-to-Site VPN or AWS Direct Connect may be required. Public internet access is not recommended due to security risks. If you choose public access, it’s safer to run the AWS Glue job in a VPC behind a NAT gateway. This approach enables you to allow list only one IP address for incoming traffic on your network firewall. For more information, refer to Infrastructure security in AWS Glue.

Set up Amazon S3

Every object in Amazon S3 is stored in a bucket. Before you can store data in Amazon S3, you must create an S3 bucket to store the results. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the Amazon S3 console, choose Buckets in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create bucket.
  3. For Name, enter a globally unique name for your bucket; for example, tickit8530923.
  4. Choose Create bucket.
  5. Download the TICKIT dataset and unzip it.
  6. Create the folder tickit in your S3 bucket and upload the allevents_pipe.txt and venue_pipe.txt files.

Configure Teradata connections

To connect to Teradata from AWS Glue, see Configuring Teradata Connection.

You must create and store your Teradata credentials in an AWS Secrets Manager secret and then associate that secret with a Teradata AWS Glue connection. We discuss these two steps in more detail later in this post.

Create an IAM role for the AWS Glue ETL job

When you create the AWS Glue ETL job, you specify an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role for the job to use. The role must grant access to all resources used by the job, including Amazon S3 (for any sources, targets, scripts, driver files, and temporary directories) and Secrets Manager. For instructions, see Configure an IAM role for your ETL job.

Create table in Teradata

Using your preferred database tool, log in to Teradata. Run the following code to create the table in Teradata where you will load your data:

   (venueid varchar(25),
    venuename varchar(100),
    venuecity varchar(100),
    venuestate varchar(25),
    venueseats varchar(25),
    eventid varchar(25),
    catid varchar(25),
    dateid varchar(25),
    eventname varchar(100),
    starttime varchar(100))

Store Teradata login credentials

An AWS Glue connection is a Data Catalog object that stores login credentials, URI strings, and more. The Teradata connector requires Secrets Manager for storing the Teradata user name and password that you use to connect to Teradata.

To store the Teradata user name and password in Secrets Manager, complete the following steps:

  1. On the Secrets Manager console, choose Secrets in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Store a new secret.
  3. Select Other type of secret.
  4. Enter the key/value USER and teradata_user, then choose Add row.
  5. Enter the key/value PASSWORD and teradata_user_password, then choose Next.

Teradata Secrets Manager Configuration

  1. For Secret name, enter a descriptive name, then choose Next.
  2. Choose Next to move to the review step, then choose Store.

Create the Teradata connection in AWS Glue

Now you’re ready to create an AWS Glue connection to Teradata. Complete the following steps:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, choose Connections under Data Catalog in the navigation pane.
  2. Choose Create connection.
  3. For Name, enter a name (for example, teradata_connection).
  4. For Connection type¸ choose Teradata.
  5. For Teradata URL, enter jdbc:teradata://url_of_teradata/database=name_of_your_database.
  6. For AWS Secret, choose the secret with your Teradata credentials that you created earlier.

Teradata Connection access

Create an AWS Glue visual ETL job to transform and load data to Teradata

Complete the following steps to create your AWS Glue ETL job:

  1. On the AWS Glue console, under ETL Jobs in the navigation pane, choose Visual ETL.
  2. Choose Visual ETL.
  3. Choose the pencil icon to enter a name for your job.

We add venue_pipe.txt as our first dataset.

  1. Choose Add nodes and choose Amazon S3 on the Sources tab.

Amazon S3 source node

  1. Enter the following data source properties:
    1. For Name, enter Venue.
    2. For S3 source type, select S3 location.
    3. For S3 URL, enter the S3 path to venue_pipe.txt.
    4. For Data format, choose CSV.
    5. For Delimiter, choose Pipe.
    6. Deselect First line of source file contains column headers.

S3 data source properties

Now we add allevents_pipe.txt as our second dataset.

  1. Choose Add nodes and choose Amazon S3 on the Sources tab.
  2. Enter the following data source properties:
    1. For Name, enter Event.
    2. For S3 source type, select S3 location.
    3. For S3 URL, enter the S3 path to allevents_pipe.txt.
    4. For Data format, choose CSV.
    5. For Delimiter, choose Pipe.
    6. Deselect First line of source file contains column headers.

Next, we rename the columns of the Venue dataset.

  1. Choose Add nodes and choose Change Schema on the Transforms tab.
  2. Enter the following transform properties:
    1. For Name, enter Rename Venue data.
    2. For Node parents, choose Venue.
    3. In the Change Schema section, map the source keys to the target keys:
      1. col0: venueid
      2. col1: venuename
      3. col2: venuecity
      4. col3: venuestate
      5. col4: venueseats

Rename Venue data ETL Transform

Now we filter the Venue dataset to a specific geographic region.

  1. Choose Add nodes and choose Filter on the Transforms tab.
  2. Enter the following transform properties:
    1. For Name, enter Location Filter.
    2. For Node parents, choose Venue.
    3. For Filter condition, choose venuestate for Key, choose matches for Operation, and enter DC for Value.

Location Filter Settings

Now we rename the columns in the Event dataset.

  1. Choose Add nodes and choose Change Schema on the Transforms tab.
  2. Enter the following transform properties:
    1. For Name, enter Rename Event data.
    2. For Node parents, choose Event.
    3. In the Change Schema section, map the source keys to the target keys:
      1. col0: eventid
      2. col1: e_venueid
      3. col2: catid
      4. col3: dateid
      5. col4: eventname
      6. col5: starttime

Next, we join the Venue and Event datasets.

  1. Choose Add nodes and choose Join on the Transforms tab.
  2. Enter the following transform properties:
    1. For Name, enter Join.
    2. For Node parents, choose Location Filter and Rename Event data.
    3. For Join type¸ choose Inner join.
    4. For Join conditions, choose venueid for Location Filter and e_venueid for Rename Event data.

Join Properties

Now we drop the duplicate column.

  1. Choose Add nodes and choose Change Schema on the Transforms tab.
  2. Enter the following transform properties:
    1. For Name, enter Drop column.
    2. For Node parents, choose Join.
    3. In the Change Schema section, select Drop for e_venueid .

Drop column properties

Next, we load the data into the Teradata table.

  1. Choose Add nodes and choose Teradata on the Targets tab.
  2. Enter the following data sink properties:
    1. For Name, enter Teradata.
    2. For Node parents, choose Drop column.
    3. For Teradata connection, choose teradata_connection.
    4. For Table name, enter schema.tablename of the table you created in Teradata.

Data sink properties Teradata

Lastly, we run the job and load the data into Teradata.

  1. Choose Save, then choose Run.

A banner will display that the job has started.

  1. Choose Runs, which displays the status of the job.

The run status will change to Succeeded when the job is complete.

Run Status

  1. Connect to your Teradata and then query the table the data was loaded to it.

The filtered and joined data from the two datasets will be in the table.

Filtered and joined data result

Clean up

To avoid incurring additional charges caused by resources created as part of this post, make sure you delete the items you created in the AWS account for this post:

  • The Secrets Manager key created for the Teradata credentials
  • The AWS Glue native connector for Teradata Vantage
  • The data loaded in the S3 bucket
  • The AWS Glue Visual ETL job


In this post, you created a connection to Teradata using AWS Glue and then created an AWS Glue job to transform and load data into Teradata. The AWS Glue native connector for Teradata Vantage empowers your data analytics journey by providing a seamless and efficient pathway for integrating your data with Teradata. This new capability in AWS Glue not only simplifies your data integration workflows but also opens up new avenues for advanced analytics, business intelligence, and machine learning innovations.

With the AWS Teradata Connector, you have the best tool at your disposal for simplifying data integration tasks. Whether you’re looking to load Amazon S3 data into Teradata for analytics, reporting, or business insights, this new connector streamlines the process, making it more accessible and cost-effective.

To get started with AWS Glue, refer to Getting Started with AWS Glue.

About the Authors

Kamen Sharlandjiev is a Sr. Big Data and ETL Solutions Architect and AWS Glue expert. He’s on a mission to make life easier for customers who are facing complex data integration challenges. His secret weapon? Fully managed, low-code AWS services that can get the job done with minimal effort and no coding. Follow Kamen on LinkedIn to keep up to date with the latest AWS Glue news!

Sean Bjurstrom is a Technical Account Manager in ISV accounts at Amazon Web Services, where he specializes in analytics technologies and draws on his background in consulting to support customers on their analytics and cloud journeys. Sean is passionate about helping businesses harness the power of data to drive innovation and growth. Outside of work, he enjoys running and has participated in several marathons.

Vinod Jayendra is an Enterprise Support Lead in ISV accounts at Amazon Web Services, where he helps customers solve their architectural, operational, and cost-optimization challenges. With a particular focus on serverless technologies, he draws from his extensive background in application development to help customers build top-tier solutions. Beyond work, he finds joy in quality family time, embarking on biking adventures, and coaching youth sports teams.

Doug Mbaya is a Senior Partner Solution architect with a focus in analytics and machine learning. Doug works closely with AWS partners and helps them integrate their solutions with AWS analytics and machine learning solutions in the cloud.

Divyesh is a Director WW Cloud and AI Architecture at Teradata. He has 20+ years of experience helping customers in successfully transforming their business using technology driven solutions in areas of Cloud modernization, AI and Data analytics. He currently works at Teradata leading the Cloud and AI architecture initiatives and has previously worked at AWS and Microsoft in various roles spanning tech leadership and solutioning.