AWS Compute Blog

James Beswick

Author: James Beswick

James Beswick leads the Serverless Developer Advocacy team at AWS. He works with AWS's developer customers to understand how serverless technologies can drastically change the way they think about building and running applications at massive scale with minimal administration overhead. Visit for more serverless content.

Backend architecture

Application integration patterns for microservices: Running distributed RFQs

In this blog, I present the scatter-gather pattern, which is a composite pattern based on pub-sub and point-to-point messaging channels. It also employs correlation ID and return address. I show how this is implemented in the Wild Rydes example application. You can use this integration pattern for communication in your microservices.

Optimizing costs with the AWS Lambda Power Tuning tool

Optimizing the cost of serverless web applications

Web application backends are one of the most popular workload types for serverless applications. The pay-per-value model works well for this type of workload. As traffic grows, it’s important to consider the design choices and service configurations used to optimize your cost.

Q3 Calendar

ICYMI: Serverless Q3 2020

Welcome to the 11th edition of the AWS Serverless ICYMI (in case you missed it) quarterly recap. Every quarter, we share all of the most recent product launches, feature enhancements, blog posts, webinars, Twitch live streams, and other interesting things that you might have missed! In case you missed our last ICYMI, checkout what happened […]