AWS Compute Blog

Category: Application Integration

SNS fanout to Lambda functions

Choosing between messaging services for serverless applications

Messaging is an important part of serverless applications and AWS services provide queues, publish/subscribe, and event routing capabilities. This post reviews the main features of SNS, SQS, and EventBridge and how they provide different capabilities for your workloads.

Building storage-first serverless applications with HTTP APIs service integrations

Over the last year, I have been talking about “storage first” serverless patterns. With these patterns, data is stored persistently before any business logic is applied. The advantage of this pattern is increased application resiliency. By persisting the data before processing, the original data is still available, if or when errors occur. Common pattern for […]

ICYMI: Season one of Sessions with SAM

Developers tell us they want to know how to easily build and manage their serverless applications. In 2017 AWS announced AWS Serverless Application Model (SAM) to help with just that. To help developers learn more about SAM, I created a weekly Twitch series called Sessions with SAM. Each session focuses on a specific serverless task […]

Uploading photos

Modeling business logic flows in serverless applications

Serverless applications can help you develop more agile applications that can scale automatically. By using serverless services in your architecture, this reduces the amount of boilerplate code. It also helps offload complex tasks to specialized services. As a result, a well-designed serverless application can be modified easily to deliver new feature requests, while maintaining high […]

Lambda scaling up as events queue grows

Building scalable serverless applications with Amazon S3 and AWS Lambda

S3 and Lambda are two highly scalable AWS services that can be powerful when combined in serverless applications. In this post, I summarize many of the patterns shown across this series.

Running Web Applications on Amazon EC2 Spot Instances

This post is contributed by Isaac Vallhonrat, Sr. EC2 Spot Specialist SA Amazon EC2 Spot Instances allow customers to save up to 90% compared to On-Demand pricing by leveraging spare EC2 capacity. Spot Instances are a perfect fit for fault tolerant workloads that are flexible to run on multiple instance types such as batch jobs, […]