AWS Compute Blog

Category: Best Practices

Service map showing error in trace

Operating Lambda: Isolating and resolving issues

This blog post outlines a general approach to debugging Lambda performance issues and errors. This provides a repeatable process for isolating and resolving problems in your serverless workloads. Using the walkthrough of the Coffee Lookup application, I show how to reproduce a production bug, isolate the cause of errors, and then isolate the performance issue.

Supporting AWS Graviton2 and x86 instance types in the same Auto Scaling group

This post is written by Tyler Lynch, Sr. Solutions Architect – EdTech, and Praneeth Tekula, Technical Account Manager. As customers seek performance improvements and to cost optimize their workloads, they are evaluating and adopting AWS Graviton2 based instances. This post provides instructions on how to configure your Amazon EC2 Auto Scaling group (ASG) to use […]

AWS Lambda

Operating Lambda: Application design – Part 3

This post discusses choosing and managing runtimes, the effect on performance, and how you can use multiple runtimes within a single serverless application. It explains the networking model and whether a Lambda function must have access to a customer VPC or can run with the default VPC configuration. It also compares the different invocation modes for Lambda functions.