AWS Compute Blog

Category: Serverless

SQS FIFO example #2

New for AWS Lambda – SQS FIFO as an event source

AWS Lambda first announced support for Amazon SQS standard queues as an event source in April 2018. This allows builders to develop serverless applications using queues to directly invoke Lambda functions. Today, we have expanded this feature to include SQS FIFO queues. This makes it easier to create serverless applications using queues where the order […]

Java 11 runtime now available in AWS Lambda

We are excited to announce that you can now develop your AWS Lambda functions using the Java 11 runtime. Start using this runtime today by specifying a runtime parameter value of java11 when creating or updating your Lambda functions. The Java 11 runtime does not introduce any changes in Lambda’s programming model, such as handler […]

Node.js 12.x runtime now available in AWS Lambda

We are excited to announce that you can now develop AWS Lambda functions using the Node.js 12.x runtime, which is the current Long Term Support (LTS) version of Node.js. Start using this new version today by specifying a runtime parameter value of nodejs12.x when creating or updating functions. Language Updates Here is a quick primer that highlights […]

Python 3.8 runtime now available in AWS Lambda

You can now develop your AWS Lambda functions using the Python 3.8 runtime. Start using this runtime today by specifying a runtime parameter value of python3.8 when creating or updating Lambda functions. New Python runtime features Python 3.8 is a stable release and brings several new features, including assignment expressions, positional-only arguments, and vectorcall. Assignment […]

Dead Letter Queue - DLQ SNS use case with architecture diagram

Designing durable serverless apps with DLQs for Amazon SNS, Amazon SQS, AWS Lambda

This post is courtesy of Otavio Ferreira, Sr Manager, SNS. In a postal system, a dead-letter office is a facility for processing undeliverable mail. In pub/sub messaging, a dead-letter queue (DLQ) is a queue to which messages published to a topic can be sent, in case those messages cannot be delivered to a subscribed endpoint. […]

ICYMI calendar

ICYMI: Serverless Q3 2019

Welcome to the seventh edition of the AWS Serverless ICYMI (in case you missed it) quarterly recap. Every quarter, we share all of the most recent product launches, feature enhancements, blog posts, webinars, Twitch live streams, and other interesting things that you might have missed! In case you missed our last ICYMI, checkout what happened last quarter here. […]

The SMS weatherbot responds to a request.

Building a serverless weather bot with two-way SMS, AWS SAM, and AWS Lambda

People love being able to send text messages to companies to change appointments, get support, or receive order updates. Short message service (SMS) is ubiquitous around the world and supported in almost every mobile phone that you can find today. It can also be a good interface for a variety of business applications. Many developers […]

Update: Issue affecting HashiCorp Terraform resource deletions after the VPC Improvements to AWS Lambda

On September 3, 2019, we announced an exciting update that improves the performance, scale, and efficiency of AWS Lambda functions when working with Amazon VPC networks. You can learn more about the improvements in the original blog post. These improvements represent a significant change in how elastic network interfaces (ENIs) are configured to connect to […]

Improving the Getting Started experience with AWS Lambda

Update – October 30, 2019: This experience is now available in the following regions: us-east-1, us-east-2, us-west-1, us-west-2, ap-northeast-1, ab-northeast-2, ap-south-1, ap-southeast-1, ap-southeast-2, ca-central-1, eu-central-1, eu-west-1, eu-west-2, eu-west-3, sa-east-1. Original post from October 3, 2019: A common question from developers is, “How do I get started with creating serverless applications?” Frequently, I point developers to the […]

Visualizing Sensor Data in Amazon QuickSight

This post is courtesy of Moheeb Zara, Developer Advocate, AWS Serverless The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term used wherever physical devices are networked in some meaningful connected way. Often, this takes the form of sensor data collection and analysis. As the number of devices and size of data scales, it can become costly […]