AWS Database Blog

Category: Amazon Aurora

Understanding Amazon Aurora MySQL storage space utilization

Storage in Amazon Aurora MySQL is managed differently from traditional MySQL databases. In this post, we explore the different types of storage available in Amazon Aurora MySQL, how Aurora uses those storage types, and how to monitor storage consumption. We also explore some of the database queries and Amazon CloudWatch metrics for Aurora that you can use to estimate Aurora storage billing.

How London Stock Exchange Group optimised blue/green deployments for Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL Global Database

In this post we share how the London Stock Exchange Group (LSEG) Capital Markets Business unit improved their Blue/Green software deployment methodology, by using continuous logical database replication. We show you the process of implementing a Blue/green deployment architecture using Aurora PostgreSQL Global Database. Specifically, we explore best practices and considerations when configuring the architecture. Blue/green deployment serves as a robust and efficient approach to make sure applications stay resilient and synchronized throughout the process.

AWS DMS homogenous migration from PostgreSQL to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL

With AWS DMS homogenous migration, you can migrate data from your source database to an equivalent engine on AWS using native database tools. In this post, we show you an example of a complete homogeneous migration process and provide troubleshooting steps for migrating from PostgreSQL to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL and Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL.

Adding real-time ML predictions for your Amazon Aurora database: Part 2

In this post, we discuss how to implement Aurora ML performance optimizations to perform real-time inference against a SageMaker endpoint at a large scale. More specifically, we simulate an OLTP workload against the database, where multiple clients are making simultaneous calls against the database and are putting the SageMaker endpoint under stress to respond to thousands of requests in a short time window. Moreover, we show how to use SQL triggers to create an automatic orchestration pipeline for your predictive workload without using additional services.

Introducing the Advanced Python Wrapper Driver for Amazon Aurora

Building upon our work with the Advanced JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) Wrapper Driver, we are continuing to enhance the scalability and resiliency of today’s modern applications that are built with Python. The Advanced Python Wrapper Driver has been released as an open-source project under the Apache 2.0 License. You can find the project on GitHub. In this post, we provide details on how to use some of the features of the Advanced Python Wrapper Driver.

Build a FedRAMP compliant generative AI-powered chatbot using Amazon Aurora Machine Learning and Amazon Bedrock

In this post, we explore how to use Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL and Amazon Bedrock to build Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP) compliant generative artificial intelligence (AI) applications using Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG).

Automate interval partitioning maintenance and monitoring in Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL and Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL – Part 2

In Part 1 of this series, we demonstrated how to configure interval partitioning in an Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition database using PostgreSQL extensions such as pg_partman and pg_cron. The monitoring job was external to the database, thereby allowing a centralized monitoring solution. In this post, we demonstrate how you can monitor and send alerts using […]

Create a fallback migration plan for your self-managed MySQL database to Amazon Aurora MySQL using native bi-directional binary log replication

In this post, we show you how to set up bi-directional replication between an on-premises MySQL instance and an Aurora MySQL instance. We cover how to configure and set up bi-directional replication and address important operational concepts such as monitoring, troubleshooting, and high availability. In certain use cases, native bi-directional binary log replication can either provide a simpler fallback plan for your migration or provide a way to migrate applications or schemas individually, rather than all at the same time.