AWS Database Blog

Category: Learning Levels

Securely generate Ethereum validator keys at low cost using a serverless architecture on AWS

The new proof-of-stake consensus mechanism on Ethereum blockchain network allows network participants to earn rewards without spending a lot of computational power for playing a part in securing the network. Unlike miners, validators don’t need to spend many CPU cycles to produce new blocks. They stake 32 ETH (the native cryptocurrency on Ethereum) to be […]

Migrate Oracle bulk binds to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition or Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL

To migrate an Oracle database to Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL-Compatible Edition, you usually need to perform both automated and manual tasks. The automated tasks include schema conversion and data migration, which can be handled with the AWS Schema Conversion Tool (AWS SCT) and AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS), respectively. The manual tasks involve post-schema AWS […]

Understanding Amazon DynamoDB latency

Amazon DynamoDB uses horizontal scaling to support tables of virtually any size. In addition to horizontal scaling, DynamoDB provides single-digit millisecond performance for workloads of all sizes. Retail sites like use DynamoDB for their shopping carts and workflow engines. A slow response while processing an order can not only be frustrating to customers, but […]

How to use CloudWatch Logs Insights on Amazon RDS for Oracle log files for real-time analysis

Most database engines log error messages, warnings, traces, and audit statements. Database observability and monitoring are achieved by tracking this log information and taking proactive and reactive actions, such as allocating space when it is low, or stopping sessions causing exclusive locks or connection storms. In Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Oracle, alert […]

Deploy an Ethereum development environment using Amazon EC2 and Amazon Managed Blockchain

In this post, you learn how to deploy a cloud-based development environment with which to build, test, and deploy smart contracts on the public Ethereum Goerli testnet via a dedicated Ethereum full node managed using Amazon Managed Blockchain. You can also use the steps outlined in this post to create a development environment on the […]

Introducing Optimized Reads for Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL

In March 2022, we introduced a new Multi-AZ deployment option for Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for PostgreSQL, called Multi-AZ DB clusters. This deployment option increases read capacity with two readable standby instances, and improves write transaction latency and failover times. The optimization of transaction latency uses local storage on purpose-built Amazon Elastic Compute […]

Configure Multi-AZ with Amazon RDS Custom for SQL Server

Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) Custom for SQL Server now supports high availability by using block-level replication in a Multi-AZ environment. Previously, to enable high availability on the instance, you had to configure an Always On Availability Group (AG) between two instances. Setting up and configuring Always On requires planning and expertise. With the […]

How to use Amazon CloudWatch to monitor Amazon DynamoDB table size and item count metrics

Amazon DynamoDB sends metrics about its operations to Amazon CloudWatch. At the time of this writing, the list includes 33 metrics including: throughput consumed and provisioned, account and table limits, request latencies, system errors, and user errors. Two metrics not included are the DynamoDB table size and item count. These values can be observed in […]

Use the compatibility tool for Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) to improve migrations

Amazon DocumentDB is a fast, scalable, highly available, and fully managed document database service that supports MongoDB workloads. You can use the same MongoDB 3.6, 4.0, and 5.0 application code, drivers, and tools to run, manage, and scale workloads on Amazon DocumentDB without worrying about managing the underlying infrastructure. As a document database, Amazon DocumentDB […]

Integrate Amazon RDS for Oracle with Amazon EFS – Part 2 – Strengthen Access using EFS file system policy and Enforce in-transit encryption

With the announcement that Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Oracle now supports integration with Amazon Elastic File System (Amazon EFS), you can keep temporary files like Oracle Data Pump export, import files on Amazon EFS file system, and directly access from it. Furthermore, you can leverage Amazon EFS integration for sharing a file system between […]