AWS Database Blog

Migrate Azure SQL Database to Amazon Aurora using Azure Data Sync Agent and AWS DMS

Increasingly, customers are looking to break free from their legacy database (e.g., Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server) and move to a cloud-native database such as open-source engines running on AWS. One of the preferred destinations for this data is Amazon Aurora. In this post, we walk through a migration of a Microsoft Azure SQL database […]

MYCOM OSI Service Impact Engine migration to Amazon ElastiCache for Redis

This is a guest post by Dirk Michel, SVP, SaaS Technology & Solutions Architecture at MYCOM OSI, in partnership with AWS Solutions Architect Specialist, Zach Gardner. MYCOM OSI offers assurance, automation, and analytics software as a service (Saas) applications for the digital era. The Assurance Cloud Service provides critical end-to-end performance, fault and service quality […]

Introducing binlog I/O cache in Amazon Aurora MySQL to improve binlog performance

Binlog replication is a popular feature serving multiple use cases, including offloading transactional work from a source database, replicating changes to a separate dedicated system to run analytics, and streaming data into other systems, but the benefits don’t come for free. Binary logging can limit database performance (higher commit latency and lower throughput) because the […]

Verify delivery conditions with the Accord Project and Amazon Quantum Ledger Database – Part 2

This is part two of the two-part series of blog posts discussing how to apply smart legal contracts technology to verify delivery conditions with open-source Accord Project and Amazon Quantum Ledger Database service. In the first part we introduced the smart legal contract technology, a sample delivery process, and reviewed the solution to run smart legal contracts on AWS with Accord Project. […]

Verify delivery conditions with the Accord Project and Amazon Quantum Ledger Database – Part 1

Smart legal contracts are an emerging technology in the legal tech domain. Their main goal is to make the verification of terms and conditions in legal contracts more efficient. Unlike smart contracts, which are self-running programs in distributed ledger databases (usually in blockchain-based systems), smart legal contracts represent an entire legal contract. They combine a […]

Learn how Dream11, the World’s largest fantasy sports platform, scale their social network with Amazon Neptune and Amazon ElastiCache

This is a guest post co-written by Bharat Kumar, Graph Databases Lead at Dream11. Dream11, the flagship brand of Dream Sports, is the world’s largest fantasy sports platform, with more than 100 million users. We have infused the latest technologies of analytics, machine learning, social networks, and media technologies to enhance user experience. Dream11 is […]

Accelerate your data warehouse migration to Amazon Redshift – Part 1

In this post (the first in a multi-part series), we describe new capabilities to automate your schema conversion, preserve your investment in existing scripts, reports, and applications, accelerate query performance, and reduce your overall cost to migrate to Amazon Redshift. Check out all posts in this series: Accelerate your data warehouse migration to Amazon Redshift […]

How to migrate Amazon DynamoDB tables from one AWS account to another with AWS Data Pipeline

February 2023 Update: Console access to the AWS Data Pipeline service will be removed on April 30, 2023. On this date, you will no longer be able to access AWS Data Pipeline though the console. You will continue to have access to AWS Data Pipeline through the command line interface and API. Please note that […]

Deploy multi-Region Amazon Aurora applications with a failover blueprint

Certain organizations require multi-Region redundancy for their workloads to achieve disaster recovery and business continuity. Disaster recovery is an important part of resiliency strategy and concerns how a workload responds when a disaster strikes. The most common pattern to have as a disaster recovery solution in AWS is to build a multi-Region application architecture including […]

Migrate from Azure Cosmos DB API for MongoDB to Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB Compatibility) using the online method

Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) is a fast, scalable, highly available, and fully managed document database service that supports MongoDB workloads. The Amazon DocumentDB Migration Guide outlines three primary approaches for migrating from MongoDB to Amazon DocumentDB: offline, online, and hybrid. Although the migration guide refers to MongoDB, you can use the offline migration approach […]