AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: Developer Tools

PowerShell Standard support in AWSPowerShell.NetCore

In 2016, we released AWS Tools for PowerShell Core targeting PowerShell Core 6.0, which provided cross-platform support for macOS and Linux, in addition to Windows. We published this module separately from AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell because it was not compatible with earlier versions of PowerShell. Last year, Microsoft released PowerShell Standard: a new library […]

Generate an Amazon S3 presigned URL with SSE using the AWS SDK for C++

Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) presigned URLs give you or your customers an option to access an Amazon S3 object identified in the URL, without having AWS credentials and permissions. With server-side encryption (SSE) specified, Amazon S3 will encrypt the data when the object is written to disks, and decrypt the data when the […]

AWS Toolkit for IntelliJ – Now generally available

Last year at re:Invent we told you that we were working on the AWS Toolkit for IntelliJ. Since then, the toolkit has been in active development on GitHub. I’m happy to share that the AWS Toolkit for IntelliJ is now generally available! The toolkit provides an integrated experience for developing serverless applications. For example, you […]

Now generally available: the ASP.NET Core Identity Provider for Amazon Cognito

We’re pleased to announce the general availability of the ASP.NET Core Identity Provider for Amazon Cognito, which enables ASP.NET Core developers to easily integrate with Amazon Cognito in their web applications. Targeting .NET Standard 2.0, the custom ASP.NET Core Identity Provider for Amazon Cognito extends the ASP.NET Core Identity membership system by providing Amazon Cognito […]

AWS SDK for .NET now targets .NET Standard 2.0

The AWS SDK for .NET is distributed via NuGet packages for each service and a common core NuGet package. Each NuGet package contains different .NET assemblies, depending on your development platform. This includes .NET Framework 4.5, .NET Framework 3.5, the Portable Class Library version for Xamarin, and .NET Standard 1.3. As .NET Core and .NET […]

Introducing AWS X-Ray support for Python web frameworks used in Serverless applications

This is a guest post by Chan Chiem Jeffery Saeteurn. Jeffery is a Software Development Engineer on the AWS X-Ray SDK Team. He has fond interests in IoT, distributed systems, and crafting software to automate everyday tasks. Announcing AWS X-Ray SDK for Python support for instrumenting web frameworks deployed in serverless applications! Serverless is an […]

Introducing Transaction Support in aws-record

Introducing Transaction Support in aws-record The aws-record Ruby Gem is a data mapper abstraction layer over Amazon DynamoDB, a key-value and document database that delivers single-digit millisecond performance at any scale. Recently, support for transactions was added to DynamoDB. DynamoDB transactions simplify the developer experience of making coordinated, all-or-nothing changes to multiple items both within […]

X-Ray support for the AWS SDK for Java V2

We’re pleased to announce that the AWS X-Ray SDK for Java now supports generating trace data for the AWS SDK for Java 2.2+. Whenever you make a call to a downstream AWS service with an instrumented client, the SDK records information about the call in a subsegment. AWS services and the resources that you access within […]

AWS X-Ray support for .NET Core is GA

Last year the X-Ray team released a preview 2.0 version of the AWS X-Ray libraries for .NET Core. Today, these libraries are generally available (GA) as version 2.5. AWS X-Ray helps developers analyze and debug distributed applications, such as those built using a microservices architecture. With X-Ray, you can understand how your application and its […]

Archiving Data to Amazon S3 Glacier using PowerShell

The final update of the AWS Tools for PowerShell in 2018 added support for Amazon S3 Glacier. Amazon S3 Glacier is a secure, durable, and extremely low-cost cloud storage service for data archiving and long-term backup. The update to the AWS PowerShell modules added cmdlets to support both control and data plane APIs for the […]