AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: Developer Tools

AWS re:Invent 2021 .NET Track

.NET at re:Invent 2021

Running .NET applications on AWS has never been better and our sessions at re:Invent this year reflect that excitement. All our sessions are for builders who want real-world insights and coding examples they can immediately apply in their applications. We also have a virtual option for those who cannot make it to Las Vegas. This […]

.NET 6 on AWS

Congratulations to all the development teams and community involved in the .NET 6 GA release. .NET developers here at AWS are excited about the performance improvements in JIT compilation, Garbage Collection, JSON processing, and many other areas of the new release. We’re also excited about the new features including the Minimal API Framework, new data […]

Testing CDK Applications in Any Language

The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open source software development framework to define your cloud application resources using familiar programming languages. Because the AWS CDK enables you to define your infrastructure in regular programming languages, you can also write automated unit tests for your infrastructure code, just like you do for your […]

Experimental construct libraries are now available in AWS CDK v2

The AWS CDK v2 experimental APIs are now available as separate packages, in addition to the existing stable APIs. The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open-source software development framework to model and provision your cloud application resources using familiar programming languages. With the AWS CDK, you can define your infrastructure as code […]

Screenshot of PackagePhobia showing install size reduction from 7.04 MB to 4.21 MB for STS Client of modular AWS SDK for JavaScript.

How we halved the publish size of modular AWS SDK for JavaScript clients

On December 15th, 2020, we announced the general availability of the AWS SDK for JavaScript, version 3 (v3). In v3, the modular packages reduce the bundle size of your application by ~75% as compared to that in AWS SDK for JavaScript, version 2 (v2). However, v3 had a large publish/install size for each modular package. In […]

AWS Batch Application Orchestration using AWS Fargate

Many customers prefer to use Docker images with AWS Batch and AWS Cloudformation for cost-effective and faster processing of complex jobs. To run batch workloads in the cloud, customers have to consider various orchestration needs, such as queueing workloads, submitting to a compute resource, prioritizing jobs, handling dependencies and retries, scaling compute, and tracking utilization […]

Announcing new AWS SDK for Kotlin alpha release

We’re excited to announce the alpha release of the new AWS SDK for Kotlin! Kotlin is one of the most-loved languages amongst developers and now the AWS SDK for Kotlin makes it easy to call AWS services using idiomatic Kotlin APIs. You can use the native Kotlin language constructs you are used to, have mobile support […]

Recommended AWS CDK project structure for Python applications

September 22, 2022: Migrated the reference application to AWS CDK v2. Renamed to backend/ to support multi-component use cases and better emphasize the mapping of AWS Well-Architected Framework component terminology. Renamed to to expand the scope to any tools related to component’s software development life cycle (e.g. continuous deployment pipeline, pull request […]