AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

Category: Thought Leadership

Lessons from Edison’s Bulb: Using Generative AI to Light the Way for Business Transformation

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” —Arthur C. Clarke Thomas Edison Center at Menlo Park in Edison, New Jersey, commemorates the birthplace of recorded sound and the world’s first practical incandescent light bulb. On New Year’s Eve, 1879, Thomas Edison used his newly invented incandescent lamp to illuminate Christie Street, where his laboratory […]

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AI and Collaboration: A Human Angle

I wonder if we’re overlooking an important implication of AI and generative AI for the future of the enterprise. If, as seems to be the case, many employees will use generative AI applications to assist them and interactively support their work, then a new style of work is emerging. Success for an employee will mean […]

Pathway preview

Creating a Pathway to Innovation by Becoming Data-Driven

Are you and those in your company struggling to innovate? Are you asking how others are innovating but still not finding a mechanism to drive innovation yourself? At work, we face problems daily and are consistently working to solve those problems. So why are our problem-solving activities not converting into innovation? As an automotive industry […]


Proven Practices for Developing a Multicloud Strategy

As an Enterprise Strategist, I find multicloud topics come up in many discussions rife with confusion, false certainty, and tentativeness. Companies are bombarded with conflicting messaging telling them either to never adopt a multicloud approach or to not miss out because “everyone is switching to multicloud.” There are good reasons for either pursuing or avoiding […]

Data foundations for AI

Transformation and AI

We’ve all been busily transforming for the last few years. Now there’s this big AI thing. How does it relate to the rest of our transformation? Should we be changing or rethinking our transformation plans? The easy answer is no, but there are some subtleties. We transform to increase our agility in the face of […]

Context view

Measuring Success: A Paradox and a Plan

You’ve taken your company in a new direction; the impact is a 10% growth in year-on-year revenue. Your new marketing program has increased leads by 5%. Your telecom costs have decreased by 5% because of your successful negotiations. Measuring results is an important part of our business lives. But measurements are meaningless without context, and […]

GenAI for Business

What Will Generative AI Mean for Your Business?

It won’t surprise you to hear that there’s been lots of excitement and speculation about generative AI in our meetings with AWS customer executives lately. The question on their minds is: “What does this mean for my business?” That’s a good way to frame the question; it’s not about what generative AI can do, but […]

Continous Improvement

Continuous Engagement and Innovation

In the digital world, formerly discrete activities have become continuous. In the old world of IT, software deliveries were considered discrete events. We created projects to deliver software capabilities, set requirements for them, deployed code, and then moved on to the next project. At least that was the theory. We knew those IT systems would […]


Should You Prioritize?

Sometimes an idea becomes so ingrained in conventional wisdom, such an embedded assumption in everything we do, that it demands to be questioned. Think about how often you hear someone in a meeting say, “We need to prioritize,” or ask, “Is this a priority?” When something goes wrong, it may be blamed on a failure […]


Increase Business Value from the Cloud with Effective Cloud Governance

We often advise AWS customers embarking on digital transformations to consider that cloud migration is part of digital transformation, and digital transformation must be driven by business outcomes. The effectiveness of your governance programs determines the success of your cloud migration and digital transformation. There will be an end to the cloud migration portion of […]