AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

Tag: Cultural Change

Digital transformation concept

How to Create a Data-Driven Culture

“If we have data, let’s look at data. If all we have are opinions, let’s go with mine.” ― Jim Barksdale Conversations about data-driven enterprises often focus on tools, big data, and the technological advancements that have made storing, processing, and analyzing data faster and cheaper. While these are all important, creating a data-driven culture […]

Operations in Mind: Building Amazing Stories by Design

Operations in Mind: Building Amazing Stories by Design by James Windsor, Business Development Manager (ANZ), AWS Managed Services (AMS) introduction by Mark Schwartz, AWS Enterprise Strategist In this guest post, James Windsor from AWS Managed Services (AMS) talks about working backwards from a vision of what you want your organization to be, to make decisions […]

Addressing the Digital Workforce Gap through Diversity and Inclusion

A frequent topic in our conversations with enterprise leaders is just how difficult it is to find people with the right skills for the digital age. We often suggest that their go-to-strategy should be to grow talent internally, developing the skills of people they already employ (an earlier blog post covers this subject as well). But […]

Announcing my New Book, War & Peace & IT – a Resource for Enterprise Leaders in the Digital Age

I’m very excited to announce that today is the official publication date of my latest book, War & Peace & IT: Business Leadership, Technology, and Success in the Digital Age. It is intended as the hitherto missing book for senior enterprise executives on how best to work with their technology organizations to accomplish their digital […]

AWS Enterprise Strategy Blog 2018 Wrap-Up

Our enterprise strategy blog—like the rest of Amazon and AWS—is oriented around the expressed needs of our customers. We write about the issues and challenges facing the enterprises we meet with, and try our best to give them new ways of framing problems, of anticipating the future of IT, of thinking about the cloud and […]

Staying Inspired: A Conversation with Today’s Enterprise Cloud Leaders

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been sharing highlights from my conversations with seven leaders around their perspectives on innovation at scale when it comes to people and organization. Our dialogues with these leaders, from both commercial enterprises and the public sector, explore how these individuals cultivate next level leaders, how they deal with failure, […]

Patterns and Anti-Patterns at USCIS

In previous blog posts I have described anti-patterns of enterprise IT that we often observe in enterprises we work with, and patterns of successful enterprise IT that are their antidotes. To make these patterns and anti-patterns more concrete, I will explain how they have played out at my old organization, US Citizenship and Immigration Services […]

Developing Next Level Leaders: A Conversation with Today’s Enterprise Cloud Leaders

As an Enterprise Strategist at AWS I get to work with executives from the world’s largest organizations as they drive digital transformation efforts. What may come as a surprise is that we tend to talk less about the technology and more about the people, processes, and culture needed to enable business transformation. A couple of […]