AWS for Industries

Category: Amazon DynamoDB

Preparing restaurant, catering, and food service companies for the California Consumer Privacy Act

Notice: Customers are responsible for making their own independent assessment of the information in this blog post. This post: (a) is for informational purposes only and nothing in this post constitutes (or is intended to constitute) legal guidance or advice with respect to the matters set forth herein, (b) represents current AWS product offerings and […]

Enabling efficient patient care using Amazon AI services

Artificial intelligence can speed up the development of new drug development, be a bridge to personalized medicine using the information of our genomes, and help address the problem of a chronic shortage of doctors (especially in countries where health services are underdeveloped). However, significant challenges remain before we can get there. The challenge The application […]

Simplify seismic data management and improve decision-making using serverless solutions

Major oil and gas companies are likely to have seismic data spanning decades and consuming Petabytes (PBs) of storage. This seismic data is often stored across a variety of different storage mediums depending on operational requirements, including: Network-Attached Storage (NAS), Magnetic tapes and USB devices. This data management approach has led to seismic data duplication […]