The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Category: Database

How the University of Technology Sydney is transforming stroke rehabilitation with biomedical robots and AWS IoT

Introduction In this blog, we discuss how University of Technology Sydney (UTS) took on the challenge of at-home rehabilitation for stroke patients using biomedical engineering and robotics, and AWS solutions such as AWS Internet of Things (IoT). Stroke is the third most common cause of death in Australia and a leading cause of disability according […]

Dashboard in Grafana of Floor 6 where half of floor is highlighted indicating an issue. Time series graph of temperature illustrating the temperature crossing the alarm threshold

Improving building operational performance with Cognizant 1Facility and AWS IoT TwinMaker

Post also written by Shardul Pradhan and Ramesh Yechangunja from Cognizant Introduction Recent market conditions have stressed the commercial building management market due to the increased cost of construction, reduced occupancy, and increased cost of labor to monitor and maintain buildings. This is fueling the need for smarter and safer buildings. According to research from […]

Building a scalable IoT system for connected air purifiers on AWS IoT: Blueair (a Unilever company)

Introduction Our homes contain everything from dust, cooking fumes, and chemicals released from paint, furniture, and cleaning agents. Add to that polluted outdoor air making its way into our homes through ventilation, and you’ve got a cocktail of toxins floating around between your four walls. Clean air has proven positive health benefits. It can provide […]

Screenshot of the temperature history panel completely configured.

Build your pool water temperature monitoring solution with AWS

I live in Toulouse, in the south of France, where the climate is classified as humid subtropical climate (Cfa in the Köppen climate classification). This is why swimming pools are so common here! My household is no exception. But as a geek, I also wanted to monitor the temperature of my swimming pool, consult real-time […]

Decoupled process diagram

How a major manufacturer manages and monitors industrial devices and vehicles with AWS IoT

Learn about a decoupled approach that unlocks device distribution, and see how an AWS customer who manufactures industrial devices and vehicles uses the decoupled approach to more effectively manage and monitor vehicles with AWS IoT.

AWS is How LG Creates Better Customer Experiences

“AWS is how”: LG Electronics makes life good with smarter, happier homes

The dream of creating a smart home, where all appliances and electronics could be controlled from a central computer hub, began to take shape in 1965, when a Westinghouse engineer, Jim Sutherland, developed the first home computer, the ECHO IV. Sutherland integrated the ECHO IV into his home’s electronic systems, and he and his family […]

This image shows how the customer leverages AWS IoT Device Management to securely manage their fleet of connected refrigerators

Connecting home appliances with a smart home solution built on AWS in the AWS China Region

This blog post introduces how the manufacturers of home appliances can use AWS Services to build and maintain their smart home solutions. These solutions are both the platforms that power their connected products as well as the applications consumers use to control those products. This blog post illustrates a real use case from a customer […]

Improving industrial safety with video analytics, AWS IoT Core, and AWS IoT Greengrass

Improving industrial safety with video analytics, AWS IoT Core, and AWS IoT Greengrass

Industrial customers are increasingly using the AWS Cloud to meet their targets for predictive quality, predictive maintenance, and asset condition monitoring. For more examples, see the Top Use Cases for Industrial IoT Applications ebook. The first of these, predictive quality, is often strongly correlated with the level of safety in an operating environment. In this […]

Using AWS IoT to Create a Smart Home Water-Monitoring Solution

Using AWS IoT to Create a Smart Home Water-Monitoring Solution

2018 saw the fourth year of drought and the worst in recorded history for the city of Cape Town, South Africa. “Day zero” was a term coined by the city for the day when they would have to turn the water off for citizens. Fortunately, “day zero” was never realized, and Cape Town didn’t go […]

Ensure Secure Communication with AWS IoT Core Using the Certificate Vending Machine Reference Application

X.509 certificates are used to ensure secure communication between IoT devices and AWS IoT Core. Devices use these certificates to connect to AWS IoT Core using TLS mutual authentication. AWS IoT Core uses TLS mutual authentication to encrypt data as it moves between AWS IoT Core and other devices or other AWS services. A X.509 certificate […]