The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Category: Networking & Content Delivery

Building an IoT solution to securely transmit MQTT messages under private networks

To comply with different industrial regulations, private networks can help IoT service providers deploy a solution that offers critical data privacy and security encapsulation. This blog post discusses a use case from Internet of Things (IoT) service providers that use AWS services to enhance their private networks for MQTT message transmission and safeguard data transmission. […]

Device onboarding to AWS IoT using Virtual Private Cloud endpoints

Introduction If you operate secure private networks—such as an assembly line’s operational technology (OT) network at a factory or government agency­—and intend to connect your devices to AWS, then you need to use X.509 client certificates for authenticating requests to AWS services—all while staying within the Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). In this post, we will demonstrate how […]

Common architecture patterns to securely connect IoT devices to AWS using private networks

Introduction Increasingly, business leaders are adopting Internet of Things (IoT) solutions to drive revenue growth, streamline operations, and reduce costs. Managing security and safety considerations while connecting your assets to the cloud, whether they’re industrial machines or autonomous vehicles, can be challenging. In the Ten security golden rules for Industrial IoT (IIoT) Solutions, AWS recommends establishing secure […]

How to implement a disaster recovery solution for IoT platforms on AWS

This blog post introduces a real-world use case from Internet of Things (IoT) service providers that use Disaster Recovery for AWS IoT to improve the reliability of their IoT platforms. IoT service providers, especially those running high-reliability businesses, require consistent device connectivity and the seamless transfer of connectivity configurations and workloads to other regions when […]

Connected vehicles telemetry – Processing Protobuf messages with AWS IoT Core

Introduction In connect vehicles applications, telemetry data is usually very extensive, containing structure and unstructured data. To send data over to the Cloud you can use Protocol Buffers (Protobuf – binary format). Protobuf provides the application with an efficient yet well structured compressing mechanism. The built-in protocol documentation makes data serialization and deserialization more manageable […]

Automate global device provisioning with AWS IoT Core and Amazon Route 53

Introduction Use AWS IoT Core together with Amazon Route 53 to choose an AWS Region based on geo location or latency and register your devices automatically when they connect for the first time to AWS IoT Core. Time to read 10 minutes Learning level 300 Services used AWS IoT Core,Amazon Route53, Amazon Certificate Manager Private […]

Greengrass V1 Overall Solution

How to securely connect an AWS IoT Greengrass v1 device to AWS IoT Core using AWS PrivateLink

Introduction Competitive environments generally result in bottom line pressure for manufacturers, driving leadership to explore additional innovations for revenue growth such as implementation of Industrial Internet of Things(IIoT) solutions. In this post, we discuss how to secure network traffic between a device running AWS IoT Greengrass on your Operational Technology (OT) network and your Internet […]

Scaling for Complexity – Architecting for Performant Embedded Devices at the Edge – Part 2

The following is a survey paper, published and presented to the Academic Congress of Embedded World 2022 at Nuremberg, Germany on June 21st 2022. Part 1 – Scaling for Complexity – Architecting for Performant Embedded Devices at the Edge – Part 1 Provisioning Layer The provisioning layer of your IoT workloads consists of the Public Key […]

Scaling for Complexity – Architecting for Performant Embedded Devices at the Edge – Part 1

The following is a survey paper, published and presented to the Academic Congress of Embedded World 2022 at Nuremberg, Germany on June 21st 2022. Abstract Embedded edge devices with multi-sensor data sources are proliferating at an accelerating rate. Devices must be designed, manufactured, installed, connected, and controlled through seven distinct logical layers to securely connect […]

How the University of Technology Sydney is transforming stroke rehabilitation with biomedical robots and AWS IoT

Introduction In this blog, we discuss how University of Technology Sydney (UTS) took on the challenge of at-home rehabilitation for stroke patients using biomedical engineering and robotics, and AWS solutions such as AWS Internet of Things (IoT). Stroke is the third most common cause of death in Australia and a leading cause of disability according […]