The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Category: Customer Solutions

How to convert and compress OBJ models to GLTF for use with AWS IoT TwinMaker

Introduction Trying to get started with AWS IoT TwinMaker and need to convert your OBJ file to glTF? Perhaps you have performed a point cloud scan of your environment with Matterport and it’s not clear how you can import the Matterpak bundle into AWS IoT TwinMaker. In this blog, you will apply a model conversion […]

Learn how to secure your IIoT solutions with AWS IIoT security workshop

Introduction Industrial digital transformation is driving changes to the Operational Technology (OT) landscape, making it more connected to the internet and IT systems and solutions. With OT/IT convergence, OT environments are leveraging more IT solutions to improve productivity and efficiency of production operations. Industrial customers can use AWS edge and cloud services to securely access […]

Trigger AWS IoT Greengrass component deployments from AWS CodeCommit

As computing power extends into Internet of Thing (IoT) devices, software becomes more and more crucial to making decisions, processing data, and providing insight to end users at the device. Devices are the backbone of many businesses and applications. Regardless of the use case, customers benefit from quick, widespread deployment of software updates and improvements […]

Connected vehicles telemetry – Processing Protobuf messages with AWS IoT Core

Introduction In connect vehicles applications, telemetry data is usually very extensive, containing structure and unstructured data. To send data over to the Cloud you can use Protocol Buffers (Protobuf – binary format). Protobuf provides the application with an efficient yet well structured compressing mechanism. The built-in protocol documentation makes data serialization and deserialization more manageable […]

Synadia builds next generation pill verification systems with AWS IoT and ML

U.S. prescription medications costs are approaching $500 billion a year and growing up to 7% annually, according to a House Ways and Means Committee report. In this market, billions of dollars in unused medicines are still wasted annually due to traditional packaging that usually contains more pills or tablets than those prescribed by physicians. Automated pill […]

Simplify multi-account device provisioning and certificate authority registration when using AWS IoT Core

Customers often manage multiple AWS accounts to separate their development, staging, and production environments. When deploying IoT workloads on AWS IoT Core, customers usually use unique X.509 certificates for identifying devices and certificate authorities (CAs) for validating the signature of device certificates during provisioning. In this blog, we will demonstrate how to use the newly […]

Implement security monitoring across OT, IIoT and cloud with AWS Security Hub

Introduction Industrial digital transformation can increase competitiveness and optimize processes and profitability through the use of big data, IoT, machine-to-machine communication, and machine learning. Continuous digitalization and progressive interconnectivity of the production environment is important to capturing value from industrial IoT (IIoT) solutions. While this new and expanding “physical meets digital” connectivity enables great rewards, […]

Inductive sensor to ERP

How KAMAX connected their industrial machines to AWS in hours instead of weeks

This post was co-authored by Praveen Rao, Principal GTM leader, Mfg and Supply Chain at AWS; Adrian Weiss, Product Manager and Senior Data Scientist at nexineer; Nicolas Byl, Director Software Engineering at nexineer; Jill Mannaioni, Vice President Americas at CloudRail; and Philip Weber, Senior Partner Manager, EMEA and APJ at CloudRail. Every manufacturing customer these […]

Assessing OT and IIoT cybersecurity risk

This blog is co-authored by Ryan Dsouza, AWS and John Cusimano, Deloitte  Introduction Innovative and forward-looking oil and gas, electrical generation and distribution, aviation, maritime, rail, utilities, and manufacturing companies who use Operational Technology (OT) to run their businesses are adopting the cloud in many forms as a result of their digital transformation initiatives. Data […]

Monitor AWS IoT connections in near-real time using MQTT LWT

In a connected device, you may need to monitor devices in near-real time to detect error and mitigate actions, Last Will and Testament (LWT) method for MQTT addresses this challenge. LWT is a standard method of MQTT protocol specification that allows to detect abrupt disconnects of devices and to notify other clients about this abrupt […]