AWS Machine Learning Blog

Category: Artificial Intelligence

Part 1: How NatWest Group built a scalable, secure, and sustainable MLOps platform

This is the first post of a four-part series detailing how NatWest Group, a major financial services institution, partnered with AWS to build a scalable, secure, and sustainable machine learning operations (MLOps) platform. This initial post provides an overview of the AWS and NatWest Group joint team implemented Amazon SageMaker Studio as the standard for […]

Accelerate data preparation with data quality and insights in Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler

Amazon SageMaker Data Wrangler is a new capability of Amazon SageMaker that helps data scientists and data engineers quickly and easily prepare data for machine learning (ML) applications using a visual interface. It contains over 300 built-in data transformations so you can quickly normalize, transform, and combine features without having to write any code. Today, […]

Figure 1: Cost comparison for different Hugging Face models on SageMaker Serverless Inference vs. real-time inference

Host Hugging Face transformer models using Amazon SageMaker Serverless Inference

The last few years have seen rapid growth in the field of natural language processing (NLP) using transformer deep learning architectures. With its Transformers open-source library and machine learning (ML) platform, Hugging Face makes transfer learning and the latest transformer models accessible to the global AI community. This can reduce the time needed for data […]

How Nordic Aviation Capital uses Amazon Rekognition to streamline operations and save up to EUR200,000 annually

Nordic Aviation Capital (NAC) is the industry’s leading regional aircraft lessor, serving almost 70 airlines in approximately 45 countries worldwide. In 2021, NAC turned to AWS to help it use artificial intelligence (AI) to further improve its leasing operations and reduce its reliance on manual labor. With Amazon Rekognition Custom Labels, NAC built an AI […]

Secure AWS CodeArtifact access for isolated Amazon SageMaker notebook instances

AWS CodeArtifact allows developers to connect internal code repositories to upstream code repositories like Pypi, Maven, or NPM. AWS CodeArtifact is a powerful addition to CI/CD workflows on AWS, but it is similarly effective for code-bases hosted on a Jupyter notebook. This is a common development paradigm for Machine Learning developers that build and train […]

Specify and extract information from documents using the new Queries feature in Amazon Textract

Amazon Textract is a machine learning (ML) service that automatically extracts text, handwriting, and data from any document or image. Amazon Textract now offers the flexibility to specify the data you need to extract from documents using the new Queries feature within the Analyze Document API. You don’t need to know the structure of the […]

Search for knowledge in Quip documents with intelligent search using the Quip connector for Amazon Kendra

Organizations use collaborative document authoring solutions like Salesforce Quip to embed real-time, collaborative documents inside Salesforce records. Quip is Salesforce’s productivity platform that transforms the way enterprises work together, delivering modern collaboration securely and simply across any device. A Quip repository captures invaluable organizational knowledge in the form of collaborative documents and workflows. However, finding […]

Integrate ServiceNow with Amazon Lex chatbot for ticket processing

Conversational interfaces (or chatbots) can provide an intuitive interface for processes such as creating and monitoring tickets. Let’s consider a situation in which a recent hire on your team is required to cut tickets for office equipment. To do so, they have to interact with a ticketing software that the organization uses. This often requires […]

Fine-tune and deploy a Wav2Vec2 model for speech recognition with Hugging Face and Amazon SageMaker

Automatic speech recognition (ASR) is a commonly used machine learning (ML) technology in our daily lives and business scenarios. Applications such as voice-controlled assistants like Alexa and Siri, and voice-to-text applications like automatic subtitling for videos and transcribing meetings, are all powered by this technology. These applications take audio clips as input and convert speech […]

Build a virtual credit approval agent with Amazon Lex, Amazon Textract, and Amazon Connect

Banking and financial institutions review thousands of credit applications per week. The credit approval process requires financial organizations to invest time and resources in reviewing documents like W2s, bank statements, and utility bills. The overall experience can be costly for the organization. At the same time, organizations have to consider borrowers, who are waiting for […]