AWS for M&E Blog

Category: Front-End Web & Mobile

Amazon IVS React with mini-player demo

How to: Amazon Interactive Video Service with React mini-player demo

Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS) is designed to take care of all the technical complexities of delivering low latency live video to viewers anywhere. Amazon IVS comes with its own Player SDK, allowing you to focus your time on building engaging interactive experiences. In this post, we show you how to build something you may […]

Building interactive live video experiences with Amazon IVS and Videoflow

Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS) helps developers to quickly create low latency, interactive live streaming experiences. Based on the technology behind, IVS channels are fully managed, low latency live streams that remove much of the heavy lifting from integrating encoding, origination, content delivery, and playback. Since launch, builders have been elated with the […]

Introducing AWS Amplify Video on Demand

Today, we’re excited to bring you a new video-on-demand (VOD) resource type to AWS Amplify that allows you to easily store, manage, and serve file-based video content from AWS within minutes through the Amplify Command Line Interface (CLI). In this blog post, we explore how you can use Amplify Video to incorporate file-based video streaming into […]

Creating a secure video-on-demand (VOD) platform using AWS

Video has become the primary means of Information sharing and learning. Customers are investing in innovative solutions to tap into the e-learning and video space. Video content is their IP and needs to be protected and securely delivered. Online video is a powerful technology that every industry, from businesses to educational institutions to government agencies, is […]