Front-End Web & Mobile

Category: Developer Tools

Amplify CLI CDK v2 support

Use AWS CDK v2 with the AWS Amplify CLI extensibility features (Preview)

With v11.0.0-beta of the Amplify CLI, you can now use AWS CDK v2 to extend or modify your Amplify backend stack. As a recap, at re:Invent 2021, Amplify CLI (v7+) announced a number of extensibility features that gave developers the flexibility to modify their Amplify backend using infrastructure-as-code providers such as AWS CDK or AWS […]

Managing images in your NextJS app with AWS AppSync and the AWS CDK

In modern applications, sharing files is as much a necessity as having a database or authentication. When working with AWS, a common storage solution is to use Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) where files are stored in an S3 bucket. The problem however, is a file often needs to be associated with data stored in […]

Secure AWS AppSync with Amazon Cognito using the AWS CDK

In a previous post, we explored how a public API Key for AWS AppSync provides a simple way of allowing access to resources, however, it does come with the following tradeoffs: Expiring after a certain amount of time. The key is passed on the x-api-key header of the request. Making it easy for bad actors […]

Secure AWS AppSync with API Keys using the AWS CDK

Secure AWS AppSync with API Keys using the AWS CDK

AWS AppSync is a managed GraphQL service offered by AWS. As a managed service, there are no servers to keep track of and scaling up and down due to traffic is automatically handled by AWS. In AppSync, there is no concept of a fully-public API. Every request must be protected by one of the following: […]

8 New features in the Amplify Authenticator for web you should try

8 New features in the Amplify Authenticator for web you should try

This post is written by Erik Hanchett who works at AWS Amplify. Last year, we launched a new redesigned version of our Amplify Authenticator for React, Vue, and Angular (read our launch blog post here). The new Authenticator allows you to add a login experience to your app with a single line of code. It addresses […]

Implement Multi-Region Serverless (and Functionless) WebSocket Pub/Sub APIs with AWS AppSync and Amazon EventBridge

AWS AppSync allows developers to easily implement engaging real-time application experiences by automatically publishing data updates to subscribed API clients via serverless WebSockets connections. With built-in support for WebSockets, AppSync can seamlessly push data to clients that choose to listen to specific events from the backend. This means that you can easily and effortlessly make […]

Amplify Studio Storage

Build a photo gallery React app using Amplify Studio’s new file storage capabilities

Amplify Studio is visual interface for developers to easily add the most important capabilities needed to build an app (e.g. UI components, database tables, GraphQL APIs, authentication, and now file storage). With today’s launch, we have made configuring and managing file storage capabilities from Amplify Studio generally available. This guide will teach you to build […]

New in AWS Amplify Flutter version 0.4.0

This blog post was written by Abdallah Shaban – Senior Product Manager at AWS Amplify and Ashish Nanda – Tech Lead at AWS Amplify. We are announcing the release of version 0.4.0 of the Amplify Flutter library. Please use this Github repo to inform the Amplify Flutter team about features or issues, or visit the […]

Simple serverless WebSocket real-time API with AWS AppSync (little or no GraphQL experience required)

AWS AppSync simplifies application development by letting applications securely access, manipulate, and receive data as well as real-time updates from multiple data sources, such as databases or APIs. Taking advantage of GraphQL subscriptions to perform real-time operations, AppSync can push data to clients that choose to listen to specific events from the backend. This means […]

Featured Image for Amplify Studio

AWS Amplify Studio – Figma to Fullstack React App With Minimal Programming

AWS Amplify announces AWS Amplify Studio, a visual development environment that offers frontend developers new features (public preview) to accelerate UI development with minimal coding, while integrating Amplify’s powerful backend configuration and management capabilities. Amplify Studio automatically translates designs made in Figma to human-readable React UI component code. Within Amplify Studio, developers can visually connect […]